Since Rudolf Steiner’s death and the death of anthroposophy in the physical world, its real being continued to develop in the etheric world. In the 30s, 40s and 50s of last century, it was wholly transformed. Since the end of the century, it was possible to investigate and communicate this this as new anthroposophical knoweldge. In this supersensible stream we can find the forces leading up to- and beyond- the centennial of the Christmas Foundation Conference 1923/4-2023/4.
The meaning of the Centennial of the Christmas Foundation Conference will become clear if we update what Rudolf Steiner said about it 1n 1925. When asked about what he told Johanna von Keyserling at his cremation ceremony, he confirms the first part, but adds to it an intermediate sentence of great importance, on which the second part is conditioned:
The first part as communicated by Johanna von Keyserling is this:
"I will return and reveal the mysteries, when I have succeeded in founding in the spiritual worlds an altar, a Kultstätte [a redemptive, healing, transformative process] for the humans souls…”.
Here he adds today the following essential remark:
"The first part of what I told Johanna von Keyserling, the creation of the alter and the Kultstätte as a process of transformation and healing for human souls, is accomplished in the etheric world during the 12 years,1933-1945.
However, concerning the second part, it must be emphasized that I would be able to return only when there will be found people on earth that are capable, first of all, to perceive consciously this altar and place of transformation through their individual spiritual cognition, and second, to implement it as a new art of community building, the Foundation Stone of the future anthroposophical community and school. Only if this is understood and accomplished, it will be true to say: then I will come again. Then I will continue to reveal the mysteries."
Those who join our work in the school of spiritual science, are striving to actualize the living becoming of anthroposophy in our time; they are working together with us in recent years, to build the Foundation Stone of Anthroposophy as the future community of truly free humanity. The Foundation Stone is created when we succeed in founding this “altar”, this “place of transformation” for the human souls, on the earth; this however can only succeed if we are striving honestly to work as a community based on mutually empowering and energizing people, dedicated to this building process. It’s not about spinning more anthroposophical thoughts and publish so many more books; or to indulge in self-made visions, fantasies and speculations. All these things one can produce alone in his and her room, isolated head, or closed group. But to actualize the above meant work of the Michaelic stream as a world-open, international community, one must demonstrate the community building capacities as real human achievements her and now. And this is the central spiritual fact that alone would help us to achieve our goal for the first time after hundred years.
But first of all, one must awaken in oneself the living memory, of the existence and activity of this community in the 30s, 40s, and 50s of last century in the etheric world. We could begin now to reveal more about this Michaelic mystery, because our work progressed to the stage that made this communication possible. But most people are terribly afraid of the real spirit of anthroposophy and prefer to hold on to what is buried in old books and preserved in obsolete anthroposophical traditions and institutions.
For the future of human evolution, each book and deed that Rudolf Steiner ever created and performed in his past life on the earth, is an immensely important treasure for all eternity, that must be resurrected and redeemed and made fruitful in a wholly new way for the work in the 21st century. But to be able to resurrect his past creations is only possible if we dare to connect to his living spirit in the present. Great courage is required to establish this connection, because it means to become so awake and active, to be able to open one's heart, ears and eyes to grasp the new inspiration that can be communicated today, that is streaming in greater and greater abundance from the etheric world.
But without overcoming this fear from the real spirit of anthroposophy, without the new connection to the real supersensible school of Michael today and tomorrow, we cannot create on the earth the living building process of the new “Kultstätte”, that we ourselves participated in building, before we descended to the earth in the second half of the last century; it indeed already exists and operates in the etheric world, and can be brought down to the earth, provided Michael finds the souls that are ready to do it. This real Foundation Stone of Anthroposophy, can only be brought down and build on the earth in the 21st century, if we can consciously perceive the central spiritual event of our Michael Age as a whole: the Modern Christ Experience, and learn how to become its loyal dedicated co-workers today and tomorrow.
Since Rudolf Steiner’s death and the death of anthroposophy in the physical world, its real being continued to develop in the etheric world. In the 30s, 40s and 50s of last century, it was wholly transformed. Since the end of the century, it was possible to investigate and communicate this this as new anthroposophical knowledge. In this supersensible stream we can find the forces leading up to- and beyond- the centennial of the Christmas Foundation Conference 1923/4-2023/4.
To the development of this community I dedicate my contributions to the school of spiritual science in recent years. It aims to make the knowledge drama of the modern Christ experience, which could be communicated for the first time at the end of last century, into a living community process in the 21st century. The resurrection of old anthroposophy and with it of the school of spiritual science, means exactly this: that we learn to work with the etheric forces of resurrection as the new science, art and craft of community building. The living etheric Christ in our midst is the new center of life, from which we must learn this new art. He is the heartbeat of the etheric school of Michael since the 30s and 40s, and He is Foundation Stone of the new Michaelic community on the earth. This means that the whole community of the school of spiritual science can from our time on, practically and creatively engage in the actual building and consolidation of this living Foundation Stone. If this word can continue to grow, as we did in the last ten years, then it will be possible to celebrate the centennial of the Christmas Foundation Conference in 2023-4 in the right way.
In 1923-4 Rudolf Steiner remained alone in the Christmas Foundation Conference and he died because this new impulse was not taken by the anthroposophical society that he founded. It will only be resurrected and become alive again when a real community will make it real. And this is the meaning of our work in recent years and the years to come: to create this community on the earth in the first half of the 21st century, as we created it in the etheric world in the first half of the 20th century.