Making Together the New Etheric Body of the Future Michaelic Movement
Michaelic Immortality
Making Together the New Etheric Body of the New Michaelic Movement
Lecture II, November 4, 2017, Forum-3 Stuttgart
In the second lecture in Forum-3 in Stuttgart, 4 November 2017, I described the "Michaelic Immortality” as the exact opposite of Ahrimanic Immortality, about which I spoke in the first lecture. Ahriman’s striving is to harden the etheric body to such an extent, that it will remain intact also after death, and will bind the soul-and spirit of the human being to the ahrimanic forces and serve them conquer the earth and humanity. The Michaelic Immortality is achieved through the spiritualization of the etheric body described in my book, Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself a New Etheric Body and individuality.
During 1919 and 1920 Rudolf Steiner described for the first time this Michaelic path, which was his individual spiritual path from the beginning, and gave the first indications how to individualize it as a new, and truly modern, anthroposophical path. This Michaelic path that Rudolf Steiner developed, has two pillars, Jakin and Boaz: pure thinking developed through The Philosophy of Freedom and sense perception developed by enhancing Goethe’s sense perception. The breathing in and out of pure thinking and sense perception awakens and intensifies the almost wholly released etheric forces from the physical head-and heart and transforms them into potent and creative spiritual forces, that alone can overcome the Ahrimanic forces.
I used Rudolf Steiner’s indications about the new Michaelic Yoga for this task, as showed in Cognitive Yoga, and then adapted this process to community practice. The knowledge gained in the individual creation process of the new etheric body became the source of the new revesed cultues, the community formation of the bridge to the higher worlds.
An important part of the good news that I could share in the second lecture was the fact that it took place as part of the Global Event College's demonstration of this practice as a community process. This demonstration could naturally only be a humble beginning, a first step of a living community process. It is a new spiritual-communal practice, actualized first by the Global Event College, and then by the whole school community.
Esoterically, this community building work has this goal: to create together the new etheric body of the future community and movement of Michael, that will grow organically, step by step, in the 20' and 30' until the middle of the century, to actualize the most important task of the present age of Michael: to become a bridge of superseensible remembering, mindfulness and seeing, connecting the Michaelic community on earth with its leadership in the etheric world. And this also means, to resurrect from the ashes of the last century the spiritual potential of the Christmas Foundation Conference, whose seed was laid on earth in 1923-4, and bring it to active and creative community life in the course of the first half of the 21st century.
Lecture II, Sunday 4 November 2017, Forum-3 Stuttgart