The Etheric Singularity demonstrated in my book, Cognitive Yoga, will have to answer the powerful Technological Singularity, that according to Ray Kurzweil, will be fully realised in 2045.
If you want to know what it really means in practice to individuate and embody the faculty that created The Philosophy of Freedom, read my book, Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself New Etheric Body and Individuality. It will show you how to build yourself an etheric body with PoF’s organs.
In order to create an adequate concept of what it takes to create and actualize what I have called “Etheric Singularity”, the polar opposite of the coming “Technological Singularity", in the course of this century, it should be placed in the context of the development of the spiritual-scientific stream on the earth in the 20th and 21st centuries.
To begin with, the crucial historical moment that must be grasped and re-membered is the time of the transition between the 80’ of last century to the 20’ of the present. What was achieved at the end of the 20th century is the startup for the spiritual-scientific work in the 21st century.
There were many significant moments of transitions and tremors, crises, crucial passages and thresholds in those years. The last crucial event of the 20thcentury, about which I spoke in wrote in other places, took in 1998, in-between the centuries. It gathered the concentrated essence of the 20th century, on the one hand, and on the other carried it across the threshold of the third Millennium, to plant the seed of the 21st century.
Rudolf Steiner indicated often what is the central spiritual-scientific task that can and should be accomplished until the end of the 20th century. He referred to this task as the “spiritualization of the intellect” and expected humans to us it in order to “entre into the spiritual world through thinking”. But how can we come to terms with this expectation? One could even say that it is an altogether impossible expectation. After all, this is what he himself accomplished at the end of the 19th century with his book The Philosophy of Freedom! If this is so, it must mean that Steiner expected that after one hundred years the development of Spiritual Science should become so intensive and creative that his students, that is, non-initiated, ordinary people like us, would be able to individuate and actualize, through their free cognitive activity, the achievement that he accomplished a century before.
Can his expectation be based and justified by his own researches? - Indeed, it can, if we apply to it the concept of “spiritual economy”.
Rudolf Steiner described, through many concrete historical examples, how new faculties are developed in human evolution, through the application of the technique of “spiritual economy”, the multiplication, dissemination and individuation of subtle bodies and embodied faculties actualized for the first time in history by a single initiate. This is what drives all evolution forward, natural and human alike. (A single organism produces myriad seeds).
Now, Steiner produced the seed of Spiritual Science at the end of the 19th century in his book The Philosophy of Freedom. But he produced it all alone by himself. He actualized the Ur-seed, the fertile prototype or template, that is multiplied and disseminated in the spiritual worlds, waiting for the initiative of active and courageous human minds, hearts and bodies, that would take them in, individualize and activate, cultivate and harvest them beginning one hundred years later. This individualized multiplication started when I published my basic book, The New Experience of the Supersensible in 1995.
Now this task should continue through the whole 3rd millennium and beyond, in changing forms, until it becomes the first ever independent, free, earthly-human creation, bringing forth a new stream of becoming; this stream would for the first time flow from the earth through the humanity to vitalize and enrich the cosmos, expressing the fact that the earth becomes a creative cause and ground, a sun that radiates and contributes fresh life forces to cosmic evolution. If understood and actualized in the coming decades, it will also become the source of the coming Spiritual Event of the 21st century, that will have to answer the powerful actualization of Technological Singularity, that according to Ray Kurzweil, will take place in 2045. I have therefore called this event “Etheric Singularity”, because it will have to etherize, by means of the Michaelic forces, the same forces of intelligence, intellect, thinking and cognition that are arimanized by the Technological Singularity. Already now etheric cognition can see and preview a process of conception, birth, cultivation and development of a new being in the universe, a new born child of the Philosophy of Freedom, that I would like to baptize and name it now (this was written first in 3.1. 2012) "the cognitive etheric body with PoF’s organs", to be shared and multiplied among many.
If you want to know what it really means in practice to individuate and embody the faculty that created The Philosophy of Freedom, read my book, Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself New Etheric Body and Individuality. It will show you how to build yourself an etheric body with PoF’s organs.
I have described my work in this regard in detail in my book, The New Experience of the Supersensible from 1995, The Event in Science, History, Philosophy & Art (2011) and in Cognitive Yoga (2016).