Some people still look for the miraculous outside nature and above the human, and they miss its real becoming: here and now
It is the daily miracle, that existence and being are grounded in perpetual creative becoming, as poet Amir Gilboa says: "The growing of reality is the miracle".
Some of the creative forces active in the new research and creativity are: becoming, chaos, event, complexity, improvisation, transformation, singularity, synergy, and many more. What they all have in common is that they operate through diverse, multiple elements, forces and processes, not through unity and sameness, and that the diversity is not annulled through synthesis, but is lifted to higher, more dynamic and creative level then before.
Imagine a team working together to create a new idea, product or solution to a problem. We want to kindle the creative spark of the event, to light up the fire of creativity, and allow future forces to work into the present. If this is our conscious goal, then the first condition is that the team would do its best to encourage each of the participants to express and use his and her best knowledge, talents, experience, in a free, unhindered way. The process will be creative to the extent that each participants feels encouraged and supported, to bring his or her fullest personality to expression, and only when this happens, the team, group, partnership, begins to stir to real life. This is the first condition. Now future orientated creativity can begin, because creative chaos, synergy, transformation, can take place.
And when this happens, the second condition can be fulfiled. Then the untapped, future oriented, potentials can be tapped, and the unknown, future, creative forces, can begin to flow into the event. We will then use the past knowledges, experiences, talents, as dry wood to kindle the new creative fire, as raw materials to feed the new creative forces. Instead of repeating the old, given, habitual patterns and habits, we will not suppress them- we need them as nourishment, and value them as such highly- but we will use them as we use foodstuffs for metabolism and wood for the fire: we value its quality, we will search hard to get the best foods and wood, but as a means to a higher goal, in order to produce the best fire and nourish its flaming up. And the creative flames that flare forth in the group, circulate, enhance each other's ability to access his and her future, unknown, potentials, and the creative process will snowball positively, increasing and enhancing the production of the new.