What is described in my book Cognitive Yoga as an individual spiritual practice, must be translated and transformed into a community esoteric practice, to train some truly young souls in the new etheric mysteries.
The etherization of ordinary consciousness described in my book, Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself a New Etheric Body and Individuality, outlines the knowledge praxis of the present Michaelic age as a whole, which we, ordinary mortals, must learn to master and actualize. This knowledge praxis is fully practical cognitive and social science, art and craft, the seed of the new Anthroposophy, and this seed must be fully actual when the last remnants of the life forces of old anthroposophy will finally die out when the 3x33 year cycle will be completed in 2025.
What I described in my book as an individual spiritual practice, must therefore be translated and transformed into a community esoteric practice, to train some truly young souls in the new etheric mysteries. Anthroposophy will be resurrected from the dead only in this etherization praxis, or not at all! Only then we could celebrate the centennial of the Christmas Foundation Conference in 2023-4 facing honestly the spiritual leadership of the Michaelic school in the etheric world, and continue to the second stage of our community building: generating the forces of enthusiasm, creativity and love needed to enter the 2030’ for the first time with a strong and vital Michaelic community on the earth, reversing the fate of the Michaelic movement in the 12 years 1933-45 and the whole 20th century, working consciously together with the etheric school of Michael in the etheric world. - Now for the truly young, active, creative, dedicated Michaelic heart, that’s the most energizing and creative future goal and task!
However... first things must come first, and first of all the death forces of the mind, heart and will must be confronted and overcome in full consciousness, as the community learns to take the first steps to build together its new etheric body and spiritual individuality.
And the first step starts right here and now:
“Thinking was part of a living, organic, growing, moving being before the human being entered into earthly existence. Then it becomes a corpse buried in our own heads, in our brains. And just as if a corpse in the tomb were to declare: I am the man! so declares our thinking when it lies buried in the brain as a corpse and thinks about the external things of the world. It is a corpse. It is perhaps depressing to realize that it is a corpse, but it is true, and esoteric knowledge must hold to the truth”. (Rudolf Steiner, 22nd February 1924, GA 241a)
Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself a New Etheric Body and Individuality
From chapter 5: Etherization of Thinking
In creating each and every mental picture, another portion of thinking exhausts itself, and really dies, and each mental picture is therefore a singular grave of a certain force of thinking invested in its creation. When we first create a mental picture of a red patch, then cancel its further consolidation and memorizing, what is left, to begin with, is the grave of this specific mental picture and in this grave lie its concrete, individualized, corpse. Coming from above, with the etheric forces of etherized thinking, this allows us to locate exactly the place, time and process in which living thinking dies. This cognitive place turns out to be the only cognitive place through which thinking's death can be brought to full supersensible consciousness. If we cannot precisely find this location and this process of death, we will not be able to find the place of its resurrection, nor generate the forces needed to actualize this resurrection. In this case the whole process of the etherization of thinking will go amiss from its very beginning. That is, the lack of real self-knowledge may lead us to believe that our thinking is ‘living’, but because this life does not arise from the confrontation with and overcoming of real death, this livingness will have a luciferic twist from the start. If this false vividness is not recognized and corrected, it can lead to many errors and illusions concerning so-called ‘living thinking’. To avoid this error, we have to be able to enter peacefully into this mental grave and befriend its death forces. We must be able to remain clear-headed, composed and objective, which are the qualities our practice with The Philosophy of Freedom, if properly done, has given us. That is, to be poised inside the ‘place of the skull’, without wishing, because of angst and suffocation, that it will be filled with new life right there and then for our own sake. The life that is to be born there, must come solely from the new life that we would create. When we do so, we are confronted by a real presence, who comes to meet us from within this grave, a presence that embodies, clothes and individuates itself in the mental remains of thinking. In this manner, we actually force it to make itself imaginatively visible and uncover its otherwise well-hidden and guarded true being. (One cannot but recount these events as they truly occur, no matter how strange and paradoxical they must appear to our ordinary understanding.)
In this grave of thinking we undergo a significant experience, which wholly transforms our etherized thinking and cognition. When we stop the habitual activity of the brain-bound intellect, the forces that are used to produce mental pictures by reducing and devitalizing cosmic thinking, cannot roll on to do their accustomed job. They are forced to abstain from this work. They are released but they still remain eager to re-engage with each new sensory or mental stimulus. They are no longer mobilized and invested in the production, formation, and consolidation of representations. In ordinary cognition these formative forces of the intellect (originally robbed from living cosmic thinking) don't come to the light of consciousness, because their operation is constantly hidden and suppressed in and behind its mental products and because our consciousness is intensely focused, engaged and interested in these mental results.
They are hidden behind our desire to know and explain everything in its materialistic sense. In our daily consciousness we are aware of the mental picture only in so far as we desire its object, we need it, and we are invested in and concerned only about its usefulness. The forces that brought it about remain hidden behind the finished picture that direct our desire and will to the object we need and use. These formative forces sustain and shape our ordinary cognition and consciousness, but they don't show up in the same cognition. They are also invested, and therefore become invisible, in the mental fabric and constitution of the mental picture. Now, in the darkness of the grave of consciousness, when we abstain from the creation of a new mental picture and refuse the return of a past memory picture, they emerge, because they are always on the alert ready to attack and possess any new experience as usual. However, we have deliberately stopped their activity in the very act, and now, because they find no prey, no new sensation and impression to capture, devour and digest, they remain, so to speak, hanging loose in the dark, empty, and somewhat moldy mental air in the skull's cave. There we can catch them in the moment of their mental emergence into and through the physical-etheric brain, becoming externalized and visible for a second, but before they take hold of a new external or internal sensory or mental being or substance. They are ready for the kill, burning with astral-mental desire, but we prevent it from happening, and therefore we can experience them in their full, dark nakedness, as pure brainy death forces. Now their texture, threads and filaments become iridescent and visible and appear like an imaginative `thought skeleton', which as a matter of fact expresses very exactly their essential nature as forces of death. In the above described process, they are unearthed and brought to a clearance of visibility in the darkly luminous light that fills the mental grave in the cave of the skull, which is, in each person, the always present and individualized hill of Golgotha.
Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself A New Etheric Body and Individuality