This body is created through the reversal of puberty and separation of the sexes, in the mutual breathing and fructification between the etheric body and the etheric world, accomplished on the path of Michaelic Yoga
"The Word becoming flesh is the first Michael revelation; the flesh becoming Spirit must be the second Michael revelation".
Rudolf Steiner, The Mission of Michael, lecture of 22 November 1919, GA 194
“The organs of reproduction are degenerating and falling into ruin, the brain has reached the zenith of its capacity of development, the heart and larynx are only in their germinal state. From them will be developed the organs of reproduction that at a higher stage of future humanity will again turn towards the cosmos, as chalice which will be fertilized from the spiritual world. This is represented in the Holy Grail, the shining chalice, the attainment of which floated as a shining goal before the knight of the Middle Ages”.
Rudolf Steiner, lecture of 22nd November 1907, GA 100
The old Hatha, Prāṇāyāma, and Kundalini yoga used the forces of the physical body and breathing to achieve conscious, light filled, spiritualization of the astral, etheric and physical bodies to spirit self, life spirt and spirit man. This spiritualization of the bodies made them transparent to the spirit of the universe, connecting them to the divine breathing and heartbeat. We do the same today by purely cognitive-spiritual means, if we develop and apply Rudolf Steiner’s indications about the future “Michaelic yoga”, that start with an energetic intensification of pure thinking and sense perception according to the Philosophy of Freedom and Knowledge of the Higher Worlds.
In the more advanced stages of this Michaelic Yoga practice, we penetrated to the primordial and virginal forces of the three bodies, that are protected in the deepest unconsciousness. These are the pure forces of the evolutions of the original physical body from Old Saturn, the etheric body from Old Sun, and the astral body from the Old Moon. There we also find the spiritual fountain of the purest, asexual, forces of sex and reproduction, which are the forces of creative cosmic love. It is the being of the virgin “sleeping beauty” in us. When we gradually awaken and spiritualize it, we create new forces of productive human love. In the far future they will overcome the division of the sexes and create asexual, universal, etheric human body and a spiritual manner of allowing new souls to incarnate in this body. In those future times (beginning from the 7. cultural epoch, around 5700), these forces will be used to create through their chaste and creative “speech formation” the needed etheric bodies for the incarnating souls.
In the near future, in which we count the present age of Michael and the coming age of Oriphiel, until the middle of the 3. millennium, our goal is primarily cognitive and creative in the individual development and its implementation in social and cultural life. The immediate goal is to transform the individual practice of Cognitive Yoga to communal Social Yoga, the building of the new community and social life, based on the transformed forces of creative love. The anthroposophical ability to spiritualize the external cultural, social and economic life depends on the extent that we develop these new spiritual forces in a real, practical way.
Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself a New Etheric Body and Individuality
Extracts from Chapter 7: Birth of a New Etheric Body
Reversal of Puberty and Separation of the Sexes
Let us focus our attention again on what is taking place in the lower body. We must imagine that now the whole etheric body participates in a threefold mutual essence exchange, conversation and agreement, between the etheric body as a whole and the etheric world as a whole... There, at the same time, we witness and partake in a sacred ‘immaculate conception’ event that unfolds in our own living flesh and blood. And this immaculate conception brings something new into the world: it conceives a new human-world etheric being. What is conceived is a new offspring of our human-world, world-human etheric becoming which is, etherically speaking, super-sexual, that is, in which both sexes are merged, transformed into a new creative force. It is a future creative and co-creator child that the earth offers the cosmos through humanity as a stream of new cosmic becoming...
Each individual human being harbors a new individualized Christ-given seed of a new cosmos to come. A new cosmic seed-child is conceived that, if rightly fostered, can later be born out into the wide universe, and we are now consciously parenting its becoming...
The body, fructified and impregnated with the purest etheric world forces, becomes self-reproductive, and its productivity merges in turn with the productivity of the world, flowing back into it through the doors of conception and perception. The physical senses that were opened after eating from the fruit of knowledge, as a result of the luciferic intervention in Lemuria, after which humans became conscious of their sexuality, individuality and mortality, become the pure gateway through which the forces of the Tree of Life are individualized as a new etheric human-world child. The doors of sense inhalation become also the outlets for new life streams of exhalation, formed, articulated, out-spoken via the etherized larynx center, because the pristine, virgin forces of the body, after becoming fructified by the purest forces of the etheric world, begin to become world productive. It is now in its turn impregnating the world with its newborn forces. A ‘mutual impregnation’ between the purest reproductive forces of the world as the ‘father’ source, working through his ‘son’, the individualized free love forces in us, and through our body as the ‘mother’ source, is taking place... we are in fact co-parenting and co-harboring a new cosmic child...we co-creates with the spiritual world, for the world, a new stream of building, enlivening and healing, youthful forces of the future...
Continue to read in Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself a New Etheric Body and Individuality