Such tremendously important event is taking place right now
This spiritual activity, that connects the second and first comings, in a fully conscious and shared community work, is also the spiritual source of the resurrection of anthroposophy in the 21 century.
“Might it not then also be possible today that an event of infinite importance is taking place now and that human beings are not taking it into their consciousness? Could it not be that such tremendously important event is taking place in the world, taking place right now, of which our own contemporaries have no presentiment? This is indeed so. A highly important event is taking place that is perceptible, however, only to spiritual vision”.
- Rudolf Steiner's lecture from 25th January 1910, in GA 118
When the international group of students of the school of spiritual science came together in Israel, in the Passover-Easter week of 2017, I felt that I can begin to share with others, in a living manner, what I experienced since 1975: How the etheric appearance of the Christ in the 20 and 21 centuries unite consciously in our hearts with His physical incarnation, death and resurrection through the Mystery of Golgotha. It is the force of Michael, working through Anthroposophia, that allows one to bring together the supersensible experience of new etheric Christ event, with the experience of the Mystery of Golgotha. In this way, the first and second comings of the Christ, the physical and etheric events, unite together in our hearts for the first time in human history. If we can connect the two spiritual events also with the old and new mysteries of the Holy Land, that power can increase thousand-fold. In this spirit I am striving to experience the spiritual significance of the places in which Jesus Christ actually walked, talked, touched the ground, breathed the air and blessed the elements with his sun-cosmic being. And above all, I am always striving, to bring with me the experience of the etheric Christ, born out of the great bloodsheds of the 20. century, to that mystery place in which his life-giving blood, flowed into the being of old and dying mother earth and humanity, rejuvenating and redeeming them with His gift of eternally young, resurrected, life forces. I feel that in doing so I am allowed gracefully to experience the travails and hope of mother Earth and humanity, that resound and echo in the heartbeat of Christ, which constantly experiences and carries their past, present and future longings and prayers for redemption.
I prepare myself during the whole year, to make my soul ready, to participate in this sacred celebration of Easter, in which the deepest hope of the Earth and humanity find their fulfilment each year. This spiritual activity, that connects the second and first comings in real time, in a fully conscious and shared community work, is also the spiritual source of the resurrection of anthroposophy in the 21 century.
“Those who are awake, who do not sleep through the greatest event of the near future”, know very well that, “If you were to imagine yourselves for a moment in that period, you could then easily say, ‘Yes, it was quite possible to live at that time and yet know nothing of the appearance of Christ Jesus on the physical plane! It was possible to dwell on earth without taking this most significant event into one's consciousness.’ Might it not then also be possible today that something of infinite importance is taking place now and that human beings are not taking it into their consciousness? Could it not be that something tremendously important is taking place in the world, taking place right now, of which our own contemporaries have no presentiment? This is indeed so. Something highly important is taking place that is perceptible, however, only to spiritual vision”, as Rudolf Steiner prophesied more than hundred years ago, in his lecture from 25th January 1910 (in GA 118).
And now, let us ask ourselves honesty some 109 years later: what do we really know about the new etheric Christ event today? And then we may listen to our spiritual conscience, and answer truthfully Rudolf Steiner’s call, “Let us use spiritual science so that it may serve not merely to satisfy our curiosity but in such a way that it will prepare us for the great tasks, the great missions of the humanity for which we must grow ever more mature.”