through spiritualized humanity, the earth will become a new heavenly body, a new sun, a source of light, warmth and independent life in the universe
Jerusalem: The Role of the Hebrew People to the Spiritual Biography of Humanity
From Lecture 2
The Death of the Earth and its Resurrection the Cosmic Picture
This, then, is the place of the first birth, of the first death, and also the place of the first resurrection. We therefore have to understand why the Hebrew, Jewish and Christian esoteric traditions viewed Jerusalem as the place of beginning, growth, death, and resurrection, the very place which was, is and will be, the very place of our innermost human being in its true spiritual becoming, which is not just a symbol or metaphor, or a mere object of external worship and endless conflicts between religions that totally forgot their true universal human and divine essence. The fullness of this human-divine being of the earth, would be embodied physically for the shortest historical time in Solomon's Temple, and in its heart the Holy of Holies, and would become a true, esoteric, and real symbol of our universal human becoming through the further history of the Hebrew people. They would be destined to pass this real essence to humanity as a whole and today to pass the same essence to each individual person who chooses to humbly actualize it in his or her life.
This is what we see in the tiny physical seed, the invisible spiritual potential, the great and expanded essence of all which will become later the fully developed physical plant; that will shoot forth, grow and expand, flower and make fruit and will contract again, invisibly, into the tiny seed. The whole cycle of life, birth, growth and maturity, dying and death, seen spiritually, is but the incarnation of the spirit, its individuation, and with the falling away of its bodily envelopes, it is spiritualized and resurrected, bearing new fruits and seeds to the spiritual worlds through the gate of death, to prepare a new incarnation, based on the harvests and lessons of the previous earthly lives. What once flowed to earth only from outside- the life-giving light and warmth of the divine forces and beings of the sun- will now be internalized by it and will start flowing from it outward, back to the spiritual worlds from which it came, now enriched with forces of freedom and love that could only be cultivated and har- vested in material, mortal earthly life. Moreover, through spiritualized humanity, the earth will become a new heavenly body, a new sun, a source of light, warmth and independent life in the universe.
This is what the divine beings who created humanity in their image are expecting from us in our time, which is the time for our growing maturity. They are waiting for humanity to comprehend this secret, to change from `created' to `creator', from child to adult, in our solar system and in the galaxy of the Milky Way; to become itself a life-creating being, a being of light bestowing new life upon earth and the universe. And all this will not come from the higher worlds outside of us, but rather from the individual power of the divine spirit which spoke through Moses: `It is not in heaven . . . Nor is it beyond the sea . . . But the Word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.' (Deuteronomy 30:11-15).
This means that in the future we will draw our independent and creative forces from the divine powers which reside within us, deeply anchored in our innermost self. The ancient reserves and heritage of the external divine capital have been so abundantly invested in the bodily creation of humanity and earth and are now exhausted. But before God ended its creation, as the last deed of love, he gave us himself, as seed essence, in our own growing and maturing self. And humanity has matured and must decide for itself where to go from here. The good gods are looking down on humanity and earth and awaiting the moment when humanity will understand its mission and the responsibility laid upon it.
That is why good parents are those who gradually cease nurturing, looking after and directing the young person to the truth; who undertake, when he is young, all the measures to rightly support his still potential and free self, but who eventually let him go. They lead him gradually through puberty, to enable him to become free and assume responsibility for his own life in his 20s, and to choose his individual path of self-realization in life. The best parents release him to find his path at the right time, having equipped him with all the deep foundations and tools they are able to give him; such parents enable him to separate from them in order to become a free person on earth. Now he must choose whether to continue separating himself, hardening himself in his own separate ego, ignoring and denying his parents and losing himself in external material competition and war of all egos against all, or whether he will use the earthly lessons to grow and develop his moral being and his creative life. Then, as he becomes older, he can spiritualize the les- sons and gifts that life gave him, to become a co-creator with his `parents', that is, with the spiritual forces that brought him to this world, which he now recognizes consciously.
Today this divine, creative, source is found only in free humanity, and from it alone can we draw water. It flows from the springs of salvation of the spirit of life, from the new spiritual knowledge and independent moral love, in order to water the gardens of the soul, culture and earth which are drying up so fast. Only free humans can stand up to the tremendous scientific and technological powers which we are creating with such fantastic, non-human speed and efficiency. A free humanity can master this technology and use it for true human goals. These are the only forces that can heal the fast spreading global sickness, that has plagued us for more than a century and is annihilating daily all our old values. But these old values cannot be simply conserved and saved, because the creative sources that brought them into life are exhausted. Conservatism is not needed now, but a free, wholly new, spiritual and moral creation of new values and forces, adapted to the present and near future. A global desert is spreading like cancer across the earth, affecting every social, cultural, and human element. This moral and spiritual desertification process is the result of the wild growth of materialistic tumours, controlled by the anti-human intelligence working in technology, the economy, and politics. All of the remnants of a connection to the old spiritual sources have disappeared from the face of the earth, but in order to live all the more powerfully in our own hearts, minds, and deeds.
Is there a real reason for the pessimism experienced by many of the well-meaning people today, regarding the fate of the state and people of Israel? Is pessimism justified when we look at every country and every human on the earth today? This entire cycle of lectures on `The Stories of the Bible as Tales and Adventures of Initiation' is intended to help us find the right response to this widespread pessimism. I assume you have already realized that it will not be an easy response nor a simple, shallow answer, but it will be a true and honest response in the spiritual and actual sense to our present and enduring crisis. Of course, it is easier today than ever before, to get engrossed in the image of a weeping Mother Earth, who is also Jerusalem mourning and weeping for its virginal, pure, solar beginning, lost through solidification, separation and death. As we have discussed, since Jerusalem is the place from which the creation of the world began, it is the first place to experience the separation, the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, solidification, darkness and suffering; it is the place of constant devastation and death. It is the weeping Mother Earth, like `Rachel is weeping for her children' (Jeremiah 31:15), refusing to be comforted. We also confront the eternal mourning of the Jews about the destruction of the Temple. Here the Mother takes the form of the Shekinah (the presence of God) who lives in exile outside the Temple, which is not really only the exile with the diaspora of the Jewish people, but the exile in the material world itself. This is the Jerusalem where still today the destruction of the Temple is mourned at the Wailing Wall; but the seed of resurrection is not recognized, though it has already been sown and is already sprouting here and there.
Today we must see through all this despair and mourning, and with the new heart forces of the new, wide-awake spiritual perception, see in the stone earth, how the new, heavenly Jerusalem is born in our own hearts and in the heart of old, dying Mother Earth. She regains her virginity through us, but this virginity is spiritual and moral, and not the return to the original physical childhood of the earth. It is only in our new hearts that we find the place of resurrection of the promised land, the holy land, of the people of Israel, of humanity and of the earth. And in the future, humanity and earth will come back to life not because of the return to the old forces of blood, soil and race, whose proper time was fulfilled long ago, but because the real and actual Jerusalem is nothing but a living symbol of one's self...