"In the past, man was the son of the Earth. From our time on, the Earth becomes the daughter of man".
When the school of spiritual science, founded by Rudolf Steiner in 1924, becomes a reality, its esoteric task in the present century will become a practical esoteric science, art and craft. All the intellectual, abstract, passive reception of the contents of anthroposophy will be transformed into real creative etheric forces, and the students will become master builders, creative partners and participants in the resurrection, regeneration and healing of humanity and the Earth.
I have described this task, naturally, from many and varied points of view, as it must be grasped as an evolving, real substance and essence, because the supersensible school of Michael is an expression of the most creative life stream, becoming, transformation and growth of humanity and the earth.
Let me for now emphasize one central aspect.
In the beginning of the 6th chapter of my book, The New Experience of the Supersensible, entitled: "The Creation of the New Earth and Heaven of the Earthly-human Sun", we read this passage:
“In the 5th chapter we saw how man's abstract and dead, past cosmic thinking can become a consciously directed and controlled, morally active supersensible will being, and how his ordinary will element, present always in every sense- perception, can lead him to a conscious creative participation in the formative living thought element of the cosmos. It was indicated further that, beside the role of thinking (will) and sense-perception (thinking) in the self-conscious construction of the bridge of remembrance over the abyss of spirit forgetfulness, they have another creative function. The supersensible will-being, after completing its doubled Umstulpung- out into the higher worlds and back into earthly man, reversed- becomes a powerful creative force, the fountainhead of a new Earth. And the new supersensible cosmic thinking element, after completing its own doubled reversal-from the far cosmic time spaces into man and then, individualized, streaming outward again- becomes the radiating sphere of a new planetary Heaven. Both together constitute the creative fiery core and the reflecting light atmosphere of the new Sun.
The emerging structure of the new earthly-human Sun is threefold. It has its new Heaven above, which is created out of man's transformed sense-perception, working in the new Sun's periphery with the power of world-imaginations. It has its new Earth below, which is created out of man's Christ-permeated will-being, working in the new Sun's center, united with the creative will power of the Christ. And it has a budding middle sphere, which is created out of the forces of transformed social life, weaving from human heart to human heart as the new Sun's breathing and outpouring of its life, light and warmth forces through world-man being".
This must however be understood on the background of the whole Christ Event of the 20th and 21st centuries, as I described it in my various books. This is a wholly new restart of spiritual science, in accordance with the reality of human evolution and the further development of the stream of Michael in the present time.
Let us be reminded that Rudolf Steiner characterized anthroposophical spiritual science as “a modern initiation science that can move itself in rhythm between Heaven and Earth, that asks the heavens when it seeks knowledge of the Earth, and asks the Earth when it seeks to know the heavens ... The modem initiates have to look for the knowledge of the rhythmic connection between Heaven and Earth". (GA 214, lecture of 30 August 1922. From another aspect, the earthly-human Sun as the foundation of this new initiation of world-man rhythm is the rebirth of the ancient-now thoroughly Christ-transformed-Tao breathing and pulsating between Heaven and Earth, described by Rudolf Steiner in his lecture of 22 May 1923, GA 325).
In the past, man was the son of the Earth. From our time on, the Earth becomes the daughter of man.
According to GA 104, lecture of 26 July 1908, man was then part of Mother Earth, formed out of her body as the embryo is formed in the mother's womb, nourished through her blood vessels (the Hebrew language still retains this mystery: A'da'ma = Earth; Da'm = blood: A'dam = man). What begins today is the reversal of this ancient process. Man is beginning to create the new Earth out of his (spiritualized) blood; the future Earth is humanity's child and will be made in the Christed image of man himself. Today it appears before supersensible anthroposophical imaginative sight in the Imagination of the earthly-human Sun. (GA 104, there).
In this way the task of the school of spiritual science becomes a real practical-esoteric task, and the work we accomplish in our community, by means of the "reversed cultus", becomes united, community building of the foundations, structure and evolving life of the earthly-human sun: "Human evolution thus implies a transformation of the Earth's interior. In the beginning the nature of the Earth's body was such as to hold subsequent developments in check. In the end, when human powers will have transformed the Earth, it will be a spiritualized Earth. In this way man imparts his own being to the Earth ... Man transforms his dwelling place and himself at the same time, and when he spiritualizes himself, he spiritualizes the Earth also ... Every moment when we think and feel, we are working on the great structure of the Earth. The Leaders of mankind have insight into such relationships and seek to impart to men the forces that will work in the true direction of evolution...". (GA 95, lecture of 4 September 1906.)
In chapter 6thwe read further that “this is, then, the center and periphery, Earth and Heaven, of the new earthly-human Sun process. Man stands in regard to the center (Earth) building process and the periphery (Heaven) building process in the following ways. At the periphery he creates the reflecting etheric-astral atmosphere of Christ's (Holy) Spirit of the new Sun, out of his trans formed sense perceptions; in the center he works on the building of Christ's new planetary bodies with his liberated will-being; and in the middle man develops his sevenfold microcosmic-macrocosmic soul activity united with the sevenfold soul nature of the Christ.8 Breathing and pulsating in continuous Umstiilpung process between center and periphery, he thus makes of the new Earth and Heaven the living Sun organism of the earthly-human Sun.
Let us pay careful attention to the following indication of Rudolf Steiner, in which he describes the beginning of the new Earth experience as follows:
‘The youth of today strives for ancient knowledge of humanity, which already on Old Saturn was connected to man and, in the time of the Sun and Moon evolutions, entered into a kind of world slumber, into a sleep consciousness, in order to shape out of its own spirit substance the foundations for the Earth. And so this earthly nature, for the soul that can feel it but not see through it to the spirit, for the young feeling heart, is also like a snow-cover in summer which, though it shimmers as bright spirit crystals, carries Death within itself, that is, unconsciousness, which urges the soul to perceive deep under the soul snow-cover that which has its origin in still older times: the fiery blazing, living workings of the Word that radiates outward from the middle of the Earth’.(GA 217a, lecture of 17 June 1924). - These words, which could only have a prophetic meaning for those who listened to them at the beginning of last century, must become today an actual, living, anthroposophical experience of the new Earth being of the earthly-human Sun
Now we shall try to describe the way that leads to the new Earth experience through the active and formative participation of the liberated will being of man in the human-creation process of the new Earth element of the earthly-human Sun...
This is Anthropos-Sophia, the man-created Mother of the new Earth, the bearer of the new Heaven of the earthly-human Sun. Every active thought that is metamorphosed into spiritual good will and love repeats this Christ-permeated spirit gesture, sending its condensed darkened will-rays into the budding infinite life germ within, to be resurrected in the interior of the Earth as an evolving embryonic Sun. And the more man realizes himself in the conscious dynamics of pure moral Intuition, Imagination and practice, the more the embryonic Sun of the new Earth warms and lights up under his feet. To experience that every lightening up of pure thought 'up above' (in the planetary Heaven or 'head') creates at the same time a fiery, concentrated, Sun- earthly will-seed below, this is the conscious human participation in the creation of the new Earth of the earthly-human Sun. When this Sun is complete—through the weaving of the new Heaven and Earth together in the wholeness of the new planetary Sun—it will form the heart of the Michael-Christ reality of the next century: the heart-Sun organ of the present Michael age. That is, the new earthly-human Sun is created according to the image of the threefold, Christ-permeated being of man: a limb metabolic planetary will system in the depths, a head like organ, with a planetary reflecting nerve-sense system in the etheric-astral atmosphere above, and a heart-lung system that unites the two in the middle, human-social zone of the Earth. -As we shall presently see, the two poles—the Earth and Heaven—of the new earthly-human Sun can be created out of the individual knowledge drama of the Second Coming. However, they remain in a certain way disconnected and, in asense, paralyzed, so long as the social, mutual co-working of human beings in society does not reach the same level of creativity...".
Read chapter 6 as a whole in the book:
The New Experience of the Supersensible- The Anthroposophical Knowledge Drama of our Time