“They are working together now, intending a new spiritual epoch in earthly evolution”.- A new Chapter in the Alternating Incarnations Between the Aristotelians and Platonists at the beginning and end of the 20th Century.
It is absolutely necessary that those who truly want to connect themselves with our present and future anthroposophical work, will realize how the present impulse that we wish to follow is connected to the evolution of the supersensible school of Michael as a whole. For the first time now, thanks to the new Michaelic revelation, we can begin to speak about it externally. For the first time we can reveal some central aspects of its development also during the whole 20th century. For the first time since Rudolf Steiner spoke during 1924 about the karma of the souls connected to the school of Michael, it is possible to reveal its uninterrupted, continued, supersensible evolution, extending from the 15th to the 21st centuries, including the great dramas and catastrophes of the 20th century, as a continuously evolving whole.
As part of the presently intensifying Michaelic revelation, we can speak openly about Michaelic mysteries that though they were known since the end of last century, can now begin to be communicated for the first time.
In the lectures I gave in February during the annual meeting of the school of spiritual science, I could begin to speak about some of these mysteries in a way that wasn’t possible before.
I will make one aspect that belongs to the new communications clear, by a adding only a slightest update to what Rudolf Steiner said in 13th of July 1924, about the continuously living and active collaboration between the leaders of the two major streams of the Michaelic school.
In this lecture he says:
"And today those who were working in the great School of Chartres in the 12th century, and those who were united with them at the beginning of the 13th century in one of the greatest spiritual communities -albeit in the supersensible world - today again they are working together. The great spirits of Chartres are working with those, who in unison with them subsequently cultivated Aristotelianism on the earth. It matters not, that some of them [update as of the end of last century: the Platonists!] are working here on the earth, while others [same update: the Aristotelians!] cannot yet descend to the earth. They are working together now, intending a new spiritual epoch in earthly evolution. And their great purpose now, is to collect the souls who for a long time have been united with them, - to gather together the souls with whose help a new spiritual age can then be founded. Their purpose is, in one way or another and within a comparatively short time, in the midst of an otherwise decadent civilization, to make possible a renewed cooperation in earthly life between the spirits of Chartres from the 12th century and the spirits of the 13th century who are united with them. Their purpose is to prepare, so that they will be able to work together in an earthly life, cultivating spirituality once more within the civilization which, apart from this, is sailing on into destruction and disintegration".
(GA 238, 13.7.1924)
Rudolf Steiner described in all the karma lectures how intimate and intensive this connection and collaboration was and is while he speaks, between the leaders of the Aristotelians and the Platonists. This spiritual collaboration extended from the middle ages and continued while Rudolf Steiner was saying these words. If we understand the true nature of this intimate spiritual collaboration, we will also understand that it didn’t stop with his physical death in 1925. This intimate collaboration, that lasts uninterruptedly since the middle ages, continued also when Rudolf Steiner and his loyal pupils incarnated on the earth at the beginning of the 20th century and it continued uninterruptedly when he returned to the etheric world after 1925. And then, in between the 30’ and 50’ this intense collaboration continued, before some of the Platonic souls incarnated in the second half of the century- while Rudolf Steiner and his loyal pupils stayed to begin with in the etheric world.
It is absolutely necessary that those who truly want to connect themselves with our present and future work, will realized how the present impulse that we wish to follow is connected to the supersensible school of Michael as a whole, that now we can review as an uninterrupted unitary supersensible stream from the 15th to the 21st centuries. Those platonic souls participated very actively and in a state of a most awakened spiritual consciousness in the Christmas Foundation Conference, in the karma lectures and the 1st class lessons. They could participate much more intensively and consciously in these mighty events, because without the obstacles of the physical body and an earthly ego, one could be much more intimately open to receive the spiritual work of Rudolf Steiner then the people incarnated in physical bodies.
Therefore, for those souls, there was no break in the continuation of this impulse when Rudolf Steiner died in 1925, because they continued to work with him and Michael in the etheric world as they did before.
But on the earth all true anthroposophical life ended with the death of Rudolf Steiner. After his death, everything collapsed, and the abyss of humanity opened in the 30’ and 40’ also in the anthroposophical society.
Some of the platonic souls incarnated for the first time before the middle and during the second half of the 20th century. They had, first of all, to bring their work on the earth to a certain stage of maturity. This stage is now with us. Until now, their esoteric history, which includes the whole esoteric history of the school of Michael since Rudolf Steiner’s death, could not yet been told- until we begun to tell it, in February 2019.
Now, once more, as they did for so many centuries, the two leaderships are working together again between the physical and etheric worlds, but their roles and whereabouts have changed...