To transform the meeting in the etheric world with the etheric Christ to a fully self-conscious imaginative perception, we have to build a permanent etheric base there, or “home”, a faculty and organ, by means of which we can visit and stay there and investigate the etheric Christ being and event and its implications, in the different spheres of spiritual and physical life.
Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself a New Etheric Body and Individuality
From Chapter 8: Birth of an etheric individuality
Building an Etheric Home in the Etheric World
In order to transform the meeting in the etheric world with the etheric Christ to a fully self-conscious imaginative perception, we have to build a permanent etheric base there, or “home”. This is not a mere spatial metaphor or external habitus, however; this “home” in the etheric world is a faculty and organ, a certain spiritual activity. When we say that we are building this home in the etheric world we mean, therefore, that we develop a specific spiritual faculty and organ, by means of which we “can feel at home” in the etheric world, visit and stay there as we need, and ever anew activate this cognitive process, by means of which we can investigate the etheric Christ being and event and its implications, in the different spheres of spiritual and physical life.
Setting out to accomplish our self-chosen spiritual initiative and task in the etheric world, first of all we have to “build a house”, an etheric dwelling, for which we must choose a proper "location", qualitatively speaking of course, a well-known, cultivated, fertile and protected, piece of etheric ground. This “location” is in reality the same creative spiritual activity, the etheric process and becoming, which above we referred to as the human-world mutual fertilization, conception and birth of the new etheric body. Now it has become a piece of the objective human-world etheric reality in the making. Here we start our work, which consists in consciously “making a clearance” in the densely populated etheric woods.
As with the building of a physical house on a chosen piece of physical land, so also here- qualitatively speaking- we must learn to deforest, limit and fence out a selected portion of this new, living cosmic life from its cosmic environment. Then we must contract and harden, differentiate and individuate it in order to give it independent existence and life. In short, we have to actualize the whole cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth in full consciousness which happens on the earth completely unconsciously. However, the etheric work that we cultivate and transform now is not an external world, that exist simply outside of our being. We are already one with this world, and this oneness is most intimate on all the levels of our spiritual existence. Etheric individuation begins when we are ready to consciously kill the intimate, self- produced, new life-stream of becoming that we have created in partnership with the etheric world through the above described cognitive yoga practice. The problem is that we enjoy this new life tremendously outside of our body and could desire to indulge in this bliss forever. This bliss can be intensified a thousand fold in the etheric world (in which all self-enjoyments and pleasures, indulgences and desires can be cosmically magnified thanks to Lucifer and his hosts). The only source of moral certainty and the courage to transform this tempting cosmic self-indulgence is the real knowledge gained in the cognitive yoga practice about the cosmic meaning and future tasks of individuation. The true, Christened Spirit Self is the future beacon of human self-conscious co-creation with the hierarchies and the beings of nature. Its fire and light, kindled and empowered on the earth through the Consciousness Soul, can burn far and bright in the spiritual worlds. But this is the crux of the matter, indeed its cross, because the earthly born stream of new Christ life that we conceived with the etheric world is the very lifeblood of our most intimately shared being and becoming with the cosmic etheric world. It has also become our own most intimate, world imbued, soul- and spirit-life. It is our world-human being. If we are now to individuate part of it, as we chose to do in the etheric world, it means separating and isolating it after we have previously integrated ourselves intimately with this life world. Therefore, we have to separate what we have inwardly connected and merged with all the living fibres of our etheric being and becoming, and kill what we have resurrected from earthly bodily death. In the etheric world of infinite life and abundance of becoming, we have truly become one with our world. And therefore, everything we do to this world, we do to our own Spirit Self, because our Spirit Self is the world. Therefore, we have to demonstrate the capacity to dismember our won world-self consciously and volitionally in order to locate, separate, and individuate- inside this world-human Self- a “private” etheric territory, a self-created etheric location that will serve us as the secure ground on which to build a home identity and selfhood. This is the only possible means of gaining self-and world-knowledge and finding orientation in the infinite cosmic expanses.
Cognitive Yoga: Making Yourself a New Etheric Body and Individuality