After the apocalyptic crisis of the 1930s and 1940s, Michael gathered his hosts that remained loyal to him in the great tribulations on the earth and in heaven. From the middle of the 1940s until the middle of the 1950s, a new conference and consultations were taking place, about the future of humanity and how the Michaelic stream could intervene again in the totally changed conditions of the earth and humanity.
The New Michaelic Plan and its Actualization at the End of last Century and Today
From the forthcoming book:
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement after the death of Rudolf Steiner
En Esoteric Study
Temple Lodge, May 2020
As we shall see in greater detail in the second lecture below, after the apocalyptic crisis of the 1930s and 1940s, Michael gathered his hosts that remained loyal to him in the great tribulations on the earth and in heaven. From the middle of the 1940s until the middle of the 1950s, a new conference and consultations were taking place, about the future of humanity and how the Michaelic stream could intervene again in the totally changed conditions of the earth and humanity. In this conference a new Michaelic plan was drafted, and a new agreement was reached between the leaders of the two streams. Because the first Michaelic plan could not be realized, a new division of spiritual labour between them would be necessary. Instead of the hoped-for incarnation on the earth of the two streams in their entirety at the end of the century, they would again divide their places between the spiritual world (now the etheric world) and earth, and exchange the earthly leadership roles: the small group of Aristotelian souls, who remained loyal to Rudolf Steiner, will remain, to begin with, in the etheric world, while a small group of Platonists will incarnate in the second half of the century to become fully active in the transition between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
At the end of the twentieth century their central task will be—so it was agreed—to resurrect the old Anthroposophy to new life in their etheric hearts. This they will be able to do, provided they can find the way, on the earth, to the new revelation of the etheric Christ that they experienced so vividly in the 1930s and 1940s in the etheric world. On the foundations of this resurrected Anthroposophy, brought to new life through the new forces of the etheric Christ, their task in the beginning of the twenty-first century will be to build anew the foundations of the School of Michael on the earth. This school community, in its turn, will be able to receive the new Michaelic impulses that may begin to flow to the earth in the second and third decades of the twenty-first century. The new Michaelic agreement, described here, was aimed toward this eventuality: that when the centenary of the Christmas Foundation Conference would arrive in 2023-2024, there will exist on the earth for the first time since Rudolf Steiner’s death, such a Michaelic community, that will be able to receive the new Michaelic impulse for the first part of the twenty-first century.
In other words, the main task of the Platonic souls in the first part of the twenty-first century, will be to resurrect the Christmas Foundation Conference impulse, and plant its community-building seed in the free etheric hearts in the twenty-first century. They must be able—so it was agreed in the Michaelic conference in the etheric world—to make true in their etheric hearts, while incarnating physically on the earth, the spiritual force of the stream of Michael in our time, that Rudolf Steiner described in the Karma lectures:
"This battle [between Michael and Ahriman] is laid in the human heart. There, within the hearts of men, it is and has been waged since the last third of the nineteenth century. Decisive indeed will be what human hearts do with this Michael Impulse in the world in the course of the twentieth century. And in the course of the twentieth century, when the first century after the end of Kali Yuga has elapsed, humanity will either stand at the grave of all civilization—or at the beginning of that Age when in the souls of men who in their hearts ally Intelligence with Spirituality, Michael's battle will be fought out to victory". (GA 240, 19th July 1924)
However, they knew well before they decided to incarnate, that the positive possibility for the end of the century, about which Rudolf Steiner spoke in 1924, was not fulfilled, and that their difficult task will be to fulfil the Michaelic task he hoped for, in the totally new conditions. That is, to actualize indeed ‘the beginning of that Age when in the souls of men who in their hearts ally Intelligence with Spirituality, Michael's battle will be fought out to victory’—but to do so when humanity doesn’t stand ‘at the grave of all civilization’ but has already fallen very deep into it. Inside this grave they will have to fulfil this Michaelic task.
Therefore, today, in 2019, they search for such souls that would courageously and enthusiastically strive to kindle the Michaelic flame in their etheric hearts to such an extent, that they will live, perceive, think, act and feel at home in the etheric world in the centre of which stands the new revelation of the etheric Christ. Such souls must be found and properly fostered before the middle of the century.
What is the most essential drive that one perceives today in the etheric hearts of these souls? What fires their will and enthusiasm and causes them to strive to actualize this Michaelic call with all the forces of their being? If we search for the answer to this question today, we will find it in the entirely new experience of human community, never possible before for incarnated human souls on the earth.
For these souls, the etheric community becomes not a represented, theoretical, ideal, but an existential need and passion. Such souls experience it as the greatest passion to experience Anthroposophy as the being that leads to the etheric Christ in the real etheric world. They seek only this kind of Anthroposophy that is wholly united with an actual flow of real universal life, an Anthroposophy that is the living fountain of a practically creative, uplifting, challenging, and mutually empowering community; and for them, this passion is as intense and existential as hunger, thirst and breathing for our physical life. They feel in the most elementary way, that in order to be able to energize, enhance and uplift all aspects of their lives, they will not stop searching until they find such a creative etheric community, in which the very core of Anthroposophy is constantly etherized and all its branches are constantly renewed...
From the forthcoming book:
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement after the death of Rudolf Steiner
En Esoteric Study
Temple Lodge, May 2020