The intensified UFOs sightings, the chaotic political, weather and climate changes, plagues and earthquakes, are the strongly marked physical reflections, often reversed to their opposite, of the emergence and development of the creative and radiant new etheric body of the Earth.
The New Etheric Body of the Earthly-Human Sun
The intensified UFOs sightings, the chaotic political, weather and climate changes, plagues and earthquakes, are the strongly marked physical reflections, often reversed to their opposite, of the emergence and development of the creative and radiant new etheric body of the Earth.
The sings of the times speak about the positive travails of a new and creative birth. The spiritual being of the earthly-human Sun, that lives and weaves and develops in our human hearts, gives birth to a new etheric body of the earth, vibrant and radiant with new life forces. In the resurrected womb of old mother earth, her young and beautiful daughter, the etheric sun earth is born, grow and prosper in those human hearts that can perceive it; and this newborn etheric earth is truly the daughter of humanity, and it can only grow and prosper in human hearts, that alone can give it new life. And the new life of the new earthly-human Sun can only come out of the love and wisdom of the creative etheric minds, hearts and active will of awakened human beings.
We must become totally practical in our work in the school of spiritual science, and realize that each meeting we have, is an occasion of productive creation of new life forces, not only for ourselves, but for humanity and the earth as a whole. Humans must become life-creating, life producing, life-giving beings, because nature will not supply it any more freely, out of the old spiritual reservoirs. They are totally depleted. And the spiritual world must count on our creative, life-giving work on the earth, to be able to continue to guide humanity in the present and future.
We live now for more than a century in a time of a continuous moral-spiritual “plague”. But what is a plague in reality? It is an expression of the continuous “etheric earthquake”, or falling apart of the old etheric earth- and the birth travails of a new etheric earth. (Rudolf Steiner says that in an area in which a plague takes place, you can experience something similar, in the etheric world, to physical earthquake in the physical world). The present epidemic is but a part of the prolonged process of the death and rebirth of humanity and the earth. On the one hand, it is another symptom of the rapidly disappearing old etheric body of the earth, and on the other, it can be experienced as the rising up of the newly born etheric body of the future living earth. To which earth people are attuned, and to which process they ally themselves, is purely a matter of a free moral choice. It is our freedom to choose to become part of the new earth and humanity or remain part of the dying earth and humanity. When a human being dies, his physical death becomes soul death and agony only for the people who consider his true being to be the decaying physical body. For others, who stand also by his death bed, and also see the dead corpse, his death is experienced as the glorious rebirth and resurrection of his soul and spirit in the spiritual world.
Naturally, when we are getting older our natural immune system becomes- physically speaking- weaker. But if we grew older and became inwardly younger from year to year, form one decade to the next, we have created already the seed of a new etheric body, and with it also a new, purely moral-spiritual, immune system. The same is true of the organism of the earth. Its etheric body also dies out in the present time of evolution, simply because as in the physical death of each human being, the etheric body after separating from the physical body also disintegrates and disappears the etheric world. Earth and humanity have grown old and entered the age of this natural physical and etheric death, but this is also the time of their spiritual rebirth. If we know this fact, that the old physical earth and humanity are old and dying and that their old etheric body is dying too, and will continue to do so until it dies out entirely in the future, we will also understand why the nature, which humans don’t support and nourish with their new love and life forces, is affected accordingly, and why species disappear faster than before. We will also understand why people who don’t bother to develop the strong inner forces, that can supply them with freshly created etheric forces, become so vulnerable to all kinds of external influences, electricity and radiations, viruses and illnesses. But all these are not the causes of illness and death, but simply the agents of petrification doing their necessary work, by feeding on the decaying remnants of the dying etheric body.
Therefore, for people who are strongly grounded in this spiritual, creative and positive reality, who don’t believe in materialistic or spiritualistic explanations of the so called Aliens apparitions, UFOs sightings, plagues and earthquakes, know that these are the strongly marked and globally marketed demonic shadows and reversals, of the positive travails of a new and creative birth; The recent flood of UFOs sightings, the chaotic weather and climate changes, plagues and earthquakes, are exact reversals of positive, creative, spiritual activity, taking place through the spiritual being of the earth- that lives and weaves and develops in our human hearts- that gives birth to a new etheric earth, vibrant and radiant with new life forces. In the enlivened womb of old mother earth, that regains her spiritual virginity, her young and beautiful daughter earth is born, grow and prosper; but this newborn earth is truly the daughter of humanity, and it can only grow and prosper in human hearts, that alone can give it new life. And the new life of the new earth can only come out of the love and wisdom of human beings.
When the young chick emerges from the old egg, the hardened shell falls apart and disintegrates, you don’t more the old egg nor complain about the broken shell; you turn your heart to the newly hatched chick and rejoice in its beautiful being! To spend time on fearing the external forces of death and decay is most superfluous, because we can turn our energy to become intensively creative in our spiritual and social life. In our work in the school in recent years we have emphasized this repeatedly. You can say that the five lectures we gave in Sweden in 2019 were nothing else but a detailed description of the new etheric body of the earth and how it can and must be created today consciously by human beings.
Let us therefore not waste time in fears and anxieties and energetically invest our active and young soul forces in the building of the new Heaven and Earth of the Earthly-Human Sun, because this is not only the ideal goal of all future evolution; it can be experienced and accomplished in each minute and day here and now as the most real and practical, life-giving, healing, nourishing, spiritual activity, and as an expression of our true compassion to humanity and the earth.
In this connection, I would like to turn your attention to my book, The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity: The History of the Michaelic Movement since the death of Rudolf Steiner. An Esoteric Study. (Temple Lodge, 2020), and to The Time is at Hand! (2023), in which the apocalyptic nature of the present age of Michael is explained.