The book includes the new spiritual knowledge about the supersensible history and karma of the anthroposophical movement since the death of Rudolf Steiner in 1925. It shads new light on the supersensible evolution and transformation of Anthroposophy in the course of the 20th century in the etheric world, and its actualisation on the earth, beginning at the end of the century.
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The history of the Michaelic Movement since the death of Rudolf Steiner
An Esoteric Study
Forthcoming in Temple Lodge, May 2020
From the Cover
This unique work – the fruit of many decades’ research and experience – throws new light on the supersensible history and karma of the Michaelic movement since Rudolf Steiner’s death. It describes that movement’s evolution and transformation in the etheric world during the twentieth century – from the world-changing apocalypse of the 1930s and 40s through to the beginning of its incarnation on Earth at the end of last century. The book also focuses on developments in the practical and social work of building the community of the School of Spiritual Science that embodies the new Michaelic movement in our time.
As Ben-Aharon indicates, the Michaelic movement is searching for creative, courageous and enthusiastic souls to build a strong and growing community that develops, from one decade to the next, as a living organism. Based on the continuous resurrection of anthroposophy, this community strives to create a fully conscious meeting and communication with the school of Michael and Christ in the etheric world, in a form that is appropriate and demanded by the times. The transcripts of these lectures bring together the author’s experiences with anthroposophy over the last 42 years in the light of present communications from the spiritual world. It is based on contemporary spiritual investigation and individual, lived experience.
From the Contents: ‘The Amfortas-Parsifal Duality of Modern Humanity’; ‘The Twilight of Humanity and its Resurrection- The untold history of the Michaelic movement after the death of Rudolf Steiner’; ‘The Universal Language of Michael and the Being of Rudolf Steiner’; ‘The Anthroposophical Movement in the Present’; ‘The Etheric Form is Alive’; ‘The Resurrection of the Etheric Christ in the 21st Century’.
The Amfortas-Parsifal Duality of Modern Humanity
Personal-Impersonal Observations of Biography
1st Lecture, 12.02. 2019
The Ur-Phenomena of my spiritual biography; birth of the spiritual “I” at 21 and its consequences; three stages in the development of the wound of Amfortas from the 20s to 40s; the fundamental Amfortas-Parsifal duality; the three Moon Nodes and a perfect karmic storm; a phoenix rises from the ashes; the new spiritual conversation between generations; from the life of Goethe and Alanus; The mysteries of the new etheric body and Life Spirit.
The Twilight of Humanity and its Resurrection
2nd Lecture, 13.02. 2019
The Germanic Wound of Amfortas, karma of Middle Europe and the healing role of Vidar; my spiritual struggle at the end of the 20th century and a symptomatic Anthroposophical episode from the present; humanity in the abyss of the 21st century: Ahrimanic and Luciferic singularity and immortality and the ultimate Ahrimanic-Luciferic merger; resurrection of Anthroposophy in the 21st century: Anthroposophy must be reestablished on totally new foundations; The untold history of the Michaelic movement after the death of Rudolf Steiner; resurrection of the esoteric youth impulse; incarnation of the etheric Earthly-Human Sun and the future school of love; Ita Wegman and the first ray of light from the sunrise of the Earthly-Human Sun.
The Universal Language of Michael and the Being of Rudolf Steiner
3rd Lecture, 14.02. 2019
The universal language of Michael; the universal reversal of Anthroposophy and the positive mission of egoism; the being of Rudolf Steiner; the mystery of the etheric body of Rudolf Steiner and its postmortem development from 1925 until today; the beginning of a new life of Rudolf Steiner in the Christmas Foundation Conference of 1924; the world’s turning point of time then and today.
The Anthroposophical Movement in the Present
4th Lecture, 15.02. 2019
Growing young in the school of spiritual science and the present stage of our Anthroposophical work; the apocalypse of the 20th century and the gathering storm of the 21st century; archetype and reality of the school and movement of spiritual science and the centenary of the Christmas Foundation Conference; struggle with Ahriman and Lucifer over the "golden karmic script"; prevailing anthroposophical confusions about the "Michaelic Prophecy" as significant symptom; Initiates, mortals and the new etheric Christ initiation as bridge between them.
The Etheric Form is Alive
5th Lecture, 17.02. 2019
Two letters of invitation to the global school meeting in Sweden; the threefold etheric heartbeat of Michael flowing between East, West, North and South; Ganganda greida and the circulating communion of the new etheric body; the forces of Vidar and the Nordic-Germanic Gods; the reversed cultus; united force of the two Mysteries of Golgotha in the previous and present incarnations; my path to Vidar and the youthful becoming of humanity; three Grail events in the 9th, 20th and 21st centuries; “Let it, ye Spirits, be fired from the East, what is formed in the West”: Ex oriente lux.
The Resurrection of the Etheric Christ in the 21st Century