Community building is the new art of the future, which is of the greatest concern to the new Michaelic stream, because only in this future community the new etheric body of the Michaelic stream, about which much is communicated in these lectures, becomes a reality.
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement since the Death of Rudolf Steiner.
An Esoteric Study
Temple Lodge, 2020
What is the most essential drive that one perceives today in the etheric hearts of the souls that search for the new Michaelic movement? What fires their will and enthusiasm and causes them to strive to actualize this Michaelic call with all the forces of their being? If we search for the answer to this question today, we will find it in the entirely new experience of human community, never possible before for incarnated human souls on the earth.
For these souls, the etheric community becomes not a represented, the- oretical ideal, but an existential need and passion. Such souls experience it as the greatest passion to experience Anthroposophy as the being that leads to the etheric Christ in the real etheric world. They seek only this kind of Anthroposophy that is wholly united with an actual flow of real universal life, an Anthroposophy that is the living fountain of a practically creative, uplifting, challenging, and mutually empowering community; and for them, this passion is as intense and existential as hunger, thirst and breathing for our physical life. They feel in the most elementary way, that in order to be able to energize, enhance and uplift all aspects of their lives, they will not stop searching until they find such a creative etheric community, in which the very core of Anthroposophy is constantly ether- ized and all its branches are constantly renewed.
The lectures published in the present book were given, in order to awaken this experience in as many etheric human hearts as possible, today and tomorrow.
Community building is the new art of the future, which is of the greatest concern to the new Michaelic stream. Only in this living atmosphere the new Michaelic revelation can express itself, because the new etheric forces are strongly felt and worked with; the new etheric body of the Michaelic stream, about which much is communicated in these lectures, becomes a reality. It is becoming a living reality in the life of a growing commu- nity, weaving from one etheric heart to the other, creating the intimate feeling, the brotherly and sisterly forces of mutual empowerment. When we gathered together in the North, we could feel that in this communal atmosphere, something of Rudolf Steiner’s hopes could be fulfilled, about which he spoke when he hinted at what kind of new Michaelic life should be realized in the Michaelic community in our time.
"To those who, in his School at that time, were being taught by him, Michael constantly gave this warning: When you descend again [or for the first time] to the Earth in order to give effect to what has here been prepared, gather men around you, make known the essentials by word of mouth, and do not regard the ‘literary’ effects produced in the world through the printed book as of foremost importance. Hence the more inti- mate method of working from man to man is more truly in accord with Michael’s way. If, instead of working merely through books, we meet together with one another, letting the impulses flow into us in the sphere of the human and the personal, and only then using the books as aids to memory, we shall be able to inaugurate the stream that—imponderably at first—is destined to flow through the Anthroposophical Society".
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement since the Death of Rudolf Steiner.