Only if people will be found who are humble and courageous enough, who dare to listen consciously to the spiritual knowledge communicated now from the presently active and real spiritual science, shall we find the path we need.
Preparing the Rebirth of Anthroposophia
Only if people will be found who are humble and courageous enough, who dare to listen consciously to the spiritual knowledge communicated now from the presently active and real spiritual science, shall we find the path we need.
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement Since the Death of Rudolf Steiner.
As was said in our previous lectures, what happened in the Michaelic school in the etheric world in the last century, and continues today, must take place on the earth among human beings the course of the first half of the twenty-first century. Since the death of Rudolf Steiner, the answer is in the spiritual world, needless to say. But nobody turns to him to ask him about what he has to say now. Instead, anthroposophists endlessly repeat what he said a century ago. But only if people will be found, as we are striving to do here, who are humble and courageous enough, who will dare to listen consciously to the spiritual knowledge communicated from the presently active and real spiritual science, shall we find the path we need. Since the end of last century, the Michaelic stream is urgently seeking to find such courageous souls on the earth, who will want to listen to what it has to say to humanity today. But still the number of such souls on the earth is infinitely smaller than required.
In each of the three centuries of the present age of Michael, one major opportunity is prepared, directed by Michael Himself and his hosts, to give birth to the being of Anthroposophia and her growing human ‘I’ child on the earth. As we know, the first opportunity at the beginning of last century was short lived. Our task must therefore be, to prepare on the earth the suitable conditions that couldn’t be created a century ago, that will allow a proper and healthy, fully human, incarnation and birth of the second major Michaelic impulse. From my experiences and observations in the etheric world in recent years, I realized that this second Michaelic impulse is already fully prepared in the etheric world. Now ordinary humans must demonstrate, and prove, their maturity. They must prepare its way back to the earth in the twenty-first century. We must learn to build the etheric communal chalice, temple and sanctuary, and in the holy of holies of the temple of the etheric earthly-human sun, conceive and receive this birth in fully conscious, wide awake human etheric hearts.
Because our task in the first half of this century is to individualize and communalize Rudolf Steiner life’s work as a whole, I wish to add now another aspect, of a more esoteric nature, to the understanding of this task. It will shed a deeper light on the esoteric meaning of the expression, ‘Rudolf Steiner’s life as a whole’, or, in its precise esoteric meaning, ‘the mystery of the etheric body of Rudolf Steiner’, described in detail in the third lecture.
We come now to a subject that must be handled with the greatest esoteric responsibility. This requires a fundamental change of our perception and understanding of what Anthroposophy was for us until now; it must become something totally different than what it was previously, because from now on we would know that we serve a purpose that is directly connected to the goals of the real spiritual worlds. Then we will do Anthroposophy with wholly transformed feelings and sensations, because we will feel and will it—not only think about it, but deeply feel and will it—that its real being must from now on be able to live, breathe and weave among us when we come together in our meetings, because we would experience, not only in our heads, but in our etheric hearts and bodies, that we work with and for the real supersensible leadership of the real School of Michael.
We must take this into our deepest and most sacred meditations and most intimate conversations, because this is part of the most significant esoteric revelations and realities of the supersensible School of Michael today; let us, therefore, approach these mysteries with the right mood of reverence, devotion and unselfish joy.
The first etheric body is the above-mentioned ’etheric form’, formed by Vidar, in which the Christ appears in His etheric appearance. This is the macrocosmic etheric body of the Christ, that Rudolf Steiner described in Oslo on 17 June 1910.
The second etheric body is the outcome of Rudolf Steiner’s continuous individuation of Christ’s macrocosmic etheric body, in his own immortal etheric body. This body evolved all his life and continued to evolve after his death and continues to evolve also today.
The third etheric body is the result of our human, earthly, individuation of this body since the end of last century, described in the book Cognitive Yoga.
The fourth etheric body has become, since Easter 2017, the future goal and task of our communal work. Its etheric body will become the new communal etheric body of the whole School of Spiritual Science and will provide the foundation for the etheric body of the future incarnation of the true Michaelic stream on the earth in the course of the twenty-first century.
The etheric body of the school must, therefore, be actively built, like an etheric house or temple, from one fully conscious etheric heart to the next fully conscious etheric heart. We must become the builders of this new etheric Grail chalice, as the first Goetheanum was built by the love and sacrifice of many people from different countries; the new temple, however will no longer be a physical house but a purely global etheric activity and community; a global, living, human-spiritual community temple, that can be embodied and actualized in all spaces, times and buildings, if this activity is actualized in the real spiritual present Event in a fully conscious Michaelic movement.
In the etheric world it is constantly pointed out—this was already clear at the end of the 80s of last century—that in the first part of the twenty-first century, the earthly Michaelic community will have to build on the earth an etheric earthly-human sun temple. It must be built consciously in the etheric heart of human beings, that will together form the etheric heart of the etheric earthly-human sun. It was pointed out that this is the only true task of the school and movement of spiritual science since its individualized culmination at the end of last century.
Pictorially speaking, the function of the communal etheric body is to allow the spirit child of Anthroposophia, the new spiritual individuality of future free humans, to incarnate again—for the second time—but now not as the sole creation of Rudolf Steiner as the initiate of our age. In the twenty-first century it must become the offspring of ordinary mortals that unite their souls together in a depth and intensity previously unheard of.
This new universal spiritual ’I’ of the being of Anthroposophia was born in the Christmas Foundation Conference through Rudolf Steiner and had to be immediately ‘taken to God and His throne’, as it is said in Revelation 12, to rescue it from the coming earthly catastrophes. The same applies to the mother of this ‘I’ child, the spiritual being of Anthroposophia. She will also be able to live again— and hopefully for more than the shortest year—among humans. This will take place in the twenty-first century only if we prepare the suitable place for her in our hearts.
The three Michaelic mysteries combined, the Israeli and German mysteries and the Nordic and North American mysteries discussed here, provide vital building stones and forces that this etheric body needs for its growth and maturity. This is the reason as you know, that I was travelling along this axis repeatedly in the last 20 years, adding each year a new element to this etheric body. Now it is ripe enough to begin its development on the earth also as a communally created etheric body, that the whole community of the school will build, under the careful guidance of the Global Event College, through the new forces of an ever-growing and intensifying sisterly and brotherly love.
Our future goal is this, speaking now from below upward, to create a communal etheric body, according to the blueprint given in the individualized etheric body and individuality of Cognitive Yoga. In this work, for the first time in human evolution, ordinary human beings, whose etheric hearts are fired by the new Michaelic Christ revelation, will be able to unite, in real etheric experience and cognition, with the etheric body of Rudolf Steiner, through which the etheric Christ works among his true pupils; and through this body they will also experience the macrocosmic etheric form, created by Vidar, in which the Christ incorporates Himself when He wishes to appear and work among us. The fulfilment of this task is the new esoteric ‘way, truth and life’ of the true Michaelic school on the earth in the coming years and decades. This is, indeed, the real meaning of the mystery of that wholly unique etheric body to which our lectures here are, above all, dedicated. Through this communal etheric body, that unites with the etheric stream of the School of Michael in the etheric world, we can learn to perceive and actualize Michael’s pulsating threefold etheric heartbeat on the earth and use it to build and form the etheric earthly-human sun.
As we showed in the third lecture, this loyal and free anthroposophical work strengthens the eternally preserved and evolving etheric body of Rudolf Steiner, making it more and more able to work among his pupils on the earth. Since the end of last century, it became so powerful that it could begin to ‘enlighten’ our spiritual cognition and enable us to perceive how the etheric Christ is working in our midst, as we described in the third lecture. Now the time has come, in which the School of Michael on the earth, will form a new etheric body for the whole future Michael stream. This new task is the fruit of the new Michaelic revelation that started flowing in Easter 2017, whose flow is streaming with ever-greater abundance now as we are gathering in the North...
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement Since the Death of Rudolf Steiner.