The History of the Michaelic Movement after the Death of Rudolf Steiner
From Chapter 2: The Twilight of Humanity and its Resurrection
‘Intentions that are being cherished today, not upon earth but as between earth and heaven, such intentions I have wanted to explain to you...’
Dear friends, let me say this rather clearly: the recent Michaelic impulse, intensified so much during 2017-2019, requires us to dare and say things that we couldn’t say before. One knew them since the end of the century; but one is deeply involved in them oneself; and also, you, dear friends, are involved in them yourself. To share such things in which one’s karma is involved, isn’t possible in an objective way before one is 63, or, in other words, before one can overcome the strong ahrimanic- luciferic challenges on the path, from within and from without, as we described in our first lecture. Therefore, one couldn’t speak about it before the right time had come, and this is the reason why I gave you in the first lecture a biographical review of my spiritual development. Let us therefore begin to speak about it today and continue to do so in the near future.
It is our goal in this year, 2019, that is so significant for our work, to bring to consciousness, more and more, the whole picture of the development of the School of Michael and update it in regard to the present and near future. The picture of the whole spiritual history and development of the real stream of Michael in the etheric world after the death of Rudolf Steiner until today, and between the earth and the etheric world since at the end of last century, must stand there in its fullness, when the third decade of the twenty-first century begins. Communicating the untold history of the real supersensible continuation of the School of Michael in the etheric world, is also part of the present continuation of what Rudolf Steiner started on the earth in 1924. Therefore, it is our task to begin and describe today, what we can experience and communicate in this regard, naturally from our limited perspective, which is also what was and is seen and experienced in the etheric world by Rudolf Steiner and Michael since 1925.
Dear friends, that we can communicate what was until now deeply hidden and esoteric knowledge, is part of the fact that since the end of the last century, in the physical world, indeed, once more, we can truly say, ‘intentions that are being cherished today, not upon earth but as between earth and heaven, such intentions I have wanted to explain to you’. We must feel it now as we share this intimate knowledge and feel both the joy and enthusiasm that it awakens in our etheric hearts, together with a sense of the great responsibility that receiving such knowledge demands from us.
As I said and wrote in the past, Rudolf Steiner moved the centre of his activity to the etheric world in March 1925, because he could not continue this impulse in the physical world. This means, that when he died, it was totally clear in the real, etheric, School of Michael, that the previous, first plan was obsolete. But the new Michaelic plan couldn’t begin to take shape before the ‘confrontation with the Beast that will be released from its captivity in the earth in 1933’ had taken place, and before it was made clear how humanity would emerge out of the darkest times that followed it. Only from the middle of the 1940s was it possible to assess the situation of humanity and create the new Michaelic plan.
These consultations that took place in 1945-1955, led to the following new agreement and arrangement between the leaders of the two streams. They decided that instead of coming all together to the earth at the same time, they would alternate again their roles and where- abouts, and that at the end of the twentieth century, some of the Platonists would take the lead on the earth, while the Aristotelians, who remained true to Michael, would support them to begin with from the etheric world.
It is absolutely necessary that those who truly want to connect themselves with the present and future stream of Michael, will realize how the impulse that we follow now, is connected to the supersensible School of Michael as a whole. Now we can review it for the first time consciously, on the earth too, as an uninterrupted unitary supersensible stream from the fifteenth to the twenty-first centuries.
It is verily not out of any personal desire that one feels impelled to speak about these previously deeply hidden mysteries. One does it, if I may say it so, against and through many obstacles, in one’s own soul as well, not to mention the external opposition. But if it had not been made totally clear, by the very beings we are speaking about, that the time for this new revelation is ripe, I would have kept my mouth shut about them, as I did in the previous decades. But it became clear to me that the time has come to speak about these things in order to prepare the ground of our etheric hearts to fulfil our future tasks in the right way.
While on the earth and in the Anthroposophical Society after 1933 the greatest reversal of the Second Coming took place, in the etheric world, the true stream of Michael and the real being of Anthroposophy united fully with the new revelation of the etheric Christ. The most significant spiritual events that determine the goals of Anthroposophy in the twenty-first century took place in the etheric world in the 30s-40s of the last century. And this is our task in the coming years and decades: to bring down to the earth the etheric essence of these mighty, world changing events, and transform them into the very substance and form of the new Michaelic school and movement on the earth. We can do it today, because some of the Platonic souls that incarnated at the second half of the twentieth century, could resurrect the old, earthly form of Anthroposophy and spiritualize it—with the help of the forces of the etheric Christ—in their etheric hearts, in which the new impulse of Michael in the twenty-first century will be embodied.
Through the grace given by the new light of the present Michaelic revelation, streaming so abundantly in the last two years, enhanced and vitalized by the youthful forces of the spirit of the North, it is possible to go deeper into the above described events, and recall the momentous decisions that have been taken by Michael and his pupils, in the consequences of which we are now living and will continue to live in this century. In this light, we are allowed also to say the following.
We participated in this Michaelic conference that took place in the etheric world closest to the earth, from the mid-1940s to the mid-1950s, in which wide-ranging spiritual consultations took place about the future of humanity and the earth. In this consultation, Michael and his loyal remaining angelic and human partners, planned the future role of Anthroposophy in the twenty-first century, in view of the far reaching catastrophes and transformations of the earth and humanity during 1933-45. It was decided how to adapt and change accordingly the tasks of Anthroposophy at the end of the twentieth century and in the first half of the twenty-first century, in view of humanity’s new situation. This conference took place after the great sacrificial deed of the Christ was accomplished and in the light of these consultations, we prepared our coming incarnation. Through the clarity, courage and strength offered by this light, and the dedication and fiery will forces for sacrifice that it inspired, we contemplated how we would be able to accomplish our appointed tasks on the earth at the end of the twentieth century. In our view, the following stood most clearly in this light.
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The HIstory of the Michaelic Movement since the Death of Rudolf Steinr