In view of the abundance creative life and inspiration that you gave us in recent years, we look forwarded in earnestest and joyful anticipation and readiness, striving to be awake and aware enough, to grasp the remarkably intensive, creative and challenging opportunities and tasks that you so abundantly and gracefully offer humanity. May we become worthy of your gifts!
Happy new year and welcome to the being of 2021, the harbinger of the third decade of the 21st century!
In view of the abundance creative life and inspiration that you gave us in recent years, we look forwarded in earnestest and joyful anticipation and readiness, striving to be awake and aware enough, to grasp the remarkably intensive, creative and challenging opportunities and tasks that you so abundantly and gracefully offer humanity. May we become worthy of your gifts!
And among these gifts we can also count the new intimate and practical communal esoteric works and deeds, that are possible now as never before in human evolution, through which we can become active and creative partners in forming the true nature and becoming process of the Spiritual Event of the 21st century. From His fullest revelation in the coming 40’ and 30’ of this century, the Christ is speaking today in unmistakable ways to those who truly listen to Him with their free etheric minds and hearts.
Recent spiritual-scientific investigations of this approaching event reveal that Ahriman is strongly contesting and as far as he is concerned, also winning, the battle over the new life forces of the future. As far as human consciousness is concerned, since the beginning of last century, he fights for the access, capture and utilization of the same fountain of highly creative and productive new life forces, emanating today from the Spiritual Event of our time. As far as Ahriman is concerned, he won the battle of the 20th century, and has sealed the earth and humanity entirely from any real contact with Michael and the new Christ impulse. And what we accomplish today and tomorrow will decide the fate of this century, because before the first half of the present century comes to a close, the present battle between Michael, in the service of Christ, and Ahriman, in the service of his Asuric and Soratic masters, will have been decided in human consciousness and life, and humans will have decided if they dedicated their free etheric heart to the truly human stream of future becoming, or continued to give it over to Ahriman.
Michael and Ahriman use the subtle etheric forces available today for absolutely opposite aims. These highly creative and beneficial etheric forces flow form the etheric heart of Christ, and stream to us as vital earthly and cosmic forces, circulating between the human etheric body and the etheric body of the earth, descend and ascend, in and out, from the cosmos to the earth, and back, in a rhythmically, self-intensifying manner. These creative etheric forces can be used either to enhance and accelerate the technological and anti-human purposes, or to enhance and intensify true human becoming. The source of this stream is the new revelation of the etheric Christ, that can be accessed if approached through Michael’s guidance; the other stream is Ahriman’s stream, dedicated to enslaving more and more humans to the dire state of Ahrimanic immortality. Both streams stand one over the other today in the etheric world closest to the earth. But as far as human evolution is concerned, the Christ stream lags behind the Time Spirit for a whole century; we are extremely late in our spiritual evolution, and Ahriman is already a whole century ahead of us, and the time of opportunity afforded to humanity in the present age of Michael is getting ever shorter and difficult.
The fight over the fate of the human soul in the 20th century has moved into the etheric and physical bodies in the 21st century. The etheric body will be completely released in 2100 from head to the heart. Then it will continue to be released also from the metabolic-limb-reproductive system, and will be fully available to Oriphiel, to use it in his dark age in 2233-2587. By that time, the whole human being, in body, soul and spirit, can fall prey to the opposing forces.
The main battle before the end of the first half of the 21st century, is about who controls the process called in spiritual science, the ‘etherization of the blood’. In this process, etheric forces are constantly released from their bodily tasks in the metabolic, reproductiv and growth processes and gather in the etheric heart, that at the same time liberates itself from the physical heart. In the freed etheric heart, they undergo an etherization process, and stream as etheric streams from the heart to the brain, where their fate will be decided by conscious human thinking, feeling and will. Materialistic thinking, feeling and doing, give them over to Ahriman, and he invests them in accelerating his victorious march to accomplish his goals for humanity. On the other hand, through honest and serious spiritual scientific activity- to the extent that it involves the whole human being, not merely his ordinary thinking and feelings- the new etheric forces can be used, as was never possible before, to warm and cultivate the creative, free and loving, heart filled new life in human souls. If we develop our human forces and faculties in this holistic way, not in mere theorizing, sentimentalizing and speculating about anthroposophy, but in the full human actualization of our whole being in the real daily praxis of its real spiritual forces, these etheric streams will be rejuvenated as they expand outwardly to interchange with the etheric cosmic forces, become intensively recharged with cosmic life, to flow back through the brain, heart and limbs, and pour downwards to enrich and fertilize the subtle forces and elements of human life, culture, and community on the earth. A fierce struggle is taking place in these human and cosmic etheric fields and territories since the transition from the previous to the present century, and in recent years it has become very intense and noticeable. Before the middle of the century this battle will be decided, and if things remain as they are today, Ahriman will be victorious once more, and the second Michaelic century will come also under his control, as did the first one. That this will not happen, that at least a small band of dedicated human souls will be found, who will work consciously and intensively to actualize the new Christ revelation: this is the true Michaelic intent as we enter the third decade of this century.
I was becoming aware of this struggle in the 80’ and 90’ of last century and have actively taken part, and sides, in it, ever since. I have described it from various points of view, in my books, The New Experience of the Supersensible, The Spiritual Events of the 20thCentury, Cognitive Yoga and the Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity, among others. It became necessary, however, as we entered the second decade of the century, to update and adapt in this sense the esoteric work in the free school of spiritual science, to form a community of honestly and seriously striving people, to actualize the new goals of Michael not only in the work and life of an individual, but in the active and creative life of a growing community.
The more materialistic science and technology, politics and finances, succeed in capturing, controlling and utilizing this fountain of life for their Ahrimanic aims, the more the future forces of the Spiritual Event of the 21st century come under their control, it becomes an urgent spiritual scientific task to use them for the good in the first part of the 21st century, because the true meaning of this fight and of what is at stake for the future evolution of the 21st century will be decided in the coming decades.