'The most significant events, that determine our present time took place not on earth, but in the etheric world, during the 30’, 40’ and 50’ of the previous century.'
'The most significant events, that determine our present time took place not on earth, but in the etheric world, during the 30’, 40’ and 50’ of the previous century.'
The Twilihgt and Resurrction of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movemnt after the death of Rudolf Steiner
I have often pointed out, in my recent lectures and books, especially in The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity, based on the lectures given in Sweden, during the annual meeting of the Global School of Spiritual Science, in February 2019, that the most significant events, that determine our present time, until the middle of the century, took place not on earth, but in the etheric world, during the 30’, 40’ and 50’ of the previous century. Only gradually, during the 70’ and 80’ these events could be perceived on earth, and their full significance was fully grasped at the end of the century, and indeed, concerning some important aspects, only when the new century begun.
Among other things pointed out in The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity, I said that our present task has two related aspects. The first aspect consists in the ongoing and ever intensified process, of what I called the resurrection of old anthroposophy. And the second is the reception, into the chalice made from this resurrected anthroposophy, of the new spiritual impulses coming from the school of Michael in the spiritual world in the present time. Together, the resurrected old anthroposophy, and then new Michael impulses, constitute the foundation of what spiritual science must become until the middle of the century. Naturally, the first aspect of this task can only be undertaken by people that experience the earthly form of anthroposophy, its literature and institutions, social and cultural formations, as something dead. This must be experienced; it is not something about which one can argue or convince others if they don’t experience it themselves. One can only experience it if one has at least a feeling for the fact that the soul-and spiritual being of anthroposophy is a spiritual reality, that lives and weaves in the spiritual worlds. If you can sense it, even if ever so vaguely, you will be able to distinguish between its living being and the dead corpse that it left behind on earth, when it returned to the spiritual worlds in 1925.
And this is of course the crucial, and for many people difficult thing to comprehend and accomplish. This is the reason why in The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity, I dedicated to it the second lecture. For example I spoke about it in some detail in the section entitled, The Resurrection of Anthroposophy in the Twenty-first Century: Anthroposophy Must be Re-established on Totally New Foundations. I said, among others, the following:
‘Now the question must be naturally raised: how is this resurrection process to be carried out? This is possible only if the whole community of the School of Spiritual Science works together in true brotherly and sisterly love and mutual energetic and creative empowerment. This new community alone, can become the needed chalice, into which will flow the living continuation and metamorphosis of the being of Anthroposophy in the etheric world after Rudolf Steiner’s death in 1925. Our quest must bring us to experience consciously what the being of Anthroposophy became through the spiritual event of the twentieth century, in 1933-1945, which still continues to evolve and change in ever new transformations today. And this is our foremost communal task in the coming years’.
Naturally, the people who are accustomed to identify the being of anthroposophy with its earthly physical knowledge and institutions, this distinction is something that they cannot understand nor accept. They are in the same position as all the followers of former religious and spiritual streams after the death of their founders, the Church being only the main example. If you look at any spiritual tradition, you will find the same. The left-over corpse of the living spiritual movement and its founder become for the believers, indistinguishable from its living and spiritual being. They believe that the church and its institutions, literature, and rituals, constitute Christianity. And the living, presently active Sun being of the Christ is lost sight of entirely.
Therefore, the spiritualization and resurrection of old anthroposophy is the first requirement, and we will not be able to perceive and experience what is flowing as truly new impulses out of the spiritual world, if we don’t bring up with us, to the spiritual world, the fruits of this resurrection. We must prove that everything Rudolf Steiner ever said, wrote and created, is resurrected through our living thinking, feeling and will. Not a single thought or deed must be left being it the grave of old anthroposophy, everything must be carried in living human hearts and souls to the future. I said this in The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity very clearly, because I wanted to emphasize its importance, and awaken in our hearts the feeling, the warmth, the enthusiasm, connected with this central Michaelic task:
‘This is the most important fact that we have to ponder deeply and inscribe most intensively in our freed etheric hearts today: that everything, absolutely everything, that Rudolf Steiner created in his previous earthly life was wholly transformed in the course of the last century in the spiritual worlds! Nothing, absolutely nothing, remained as it was in 1902, 1910, 1919, 1924 and 1925. Everything, absolutely every word, work and deed that Rudolf Steiner ever said and accomplished, he already totally, thoroughly, transformed in the life stream of Michael from 1925 until today. We must join him in this, we must do the same as he did and does with his previous earthly work: transform everything from the ground up! We must work together on this task, as no one can achieve this alone; we must extract, potentize and resurrect all his major creations, deeds and foundations in the coming decades. What a wonderfully creative, challenging, and adventurous task this is, dear friends, and what a great responsibility, as an expression of our creative and free loyalty to this impulse and its founder’.
To accomplish this, however, we must follow Rudolf Steiner on his way after death and share his postmortem spiritual biography, described from various point of view in The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity. To this fact I had to point out repeatedly, not only during recent years, but since the publication of my first book, The Spiritual Event of the 20th Century, in 1993. I said that only in we receive consciously, on earth, the knowledge of what took place in the enteric world during the 30’, 40’ and 50’ of last century, will we be able to bring about the resurrection of old anthroposophy and open our hearts to receive the new Michaelic revelations in the present time. And this alone also opens up in our heart the supersensible eyes that can acquire the new spiritual knowledge, that cannot be attained in any other way, about the history of the Michaelic movement after the death of Rudolf Steiner, described for the first time in The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity…
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement after the death of Rudolf Steiner