The coming centenary of the Christmas Foundation Conference in Christmas 2023, in which the resurrection of this event should be celebrated after 3x33 years, is illuminating this year with a most intensive and productive spiritual light.
The Marvelous Chance of a Remarkable 2023
The coming centenary of the Christmas Foundation Conference in Christmas 2023, in which the resurrection of this event should be celebrated after 3x33 years, is illuminating this year with a most intensive and productive spiritual light. In the Global School of Spiritual Science, this resurrection and transformation of what took place 100 years ago, is prepared with great feeling of enthusiasm, reverence and gratitude. Below in another piece from this process.
Dear School Members,
Recall what we did in 2022 with the first Goetheanum: How we got to know its real being, to feel its parts and wholes, to sense its creative formations, tensions and rhythms, breathings and pulsations. We began to love it as we love a dear friend. And when we entered with this living being into the burning catastrophe, we could feel how the pain is transformed into the majestic revelation of its highest spirt. True love is the key of spiritualization, because when your dear fried dies, you can only experience his soul-and spirit being in the spiritual world after death if you love his true spiritual being with your whole being.
Also, let us remember that we are not trying to explain anything, we are trying to contemplate and meditate, creating the required soul atmosphere of devotion, reverence and gratitude to the gods and each other. Naturally between our meetings you will want to study as much as you can about it but let us keep the study between the meetings. Let’s not try to explain things in the meeting. Study whatever you can about the foundation stone-meditation and the formation and laying of the foundation stone as living event but keep it out of our school-meetings and meditative practice. Keep out, I mean, the intellectual contents of your study, knowing that what you transformed in your study into heart force, will be present in the meetings. But don’t try to explain what you read about this event, because this will bring everything back to the intellect. Let us study everything natural and spiritual science teaches about the heart as sense-organ, about breathing, about metabolism, hierarchies and trinity, and so on. We can study the whole of anthroposophy between the meetings. The meetings are sacred, the meetings should be a serious, sacred, festive events. We celebrate the rebirth of the new Mysteries as reality. The meetings should be devotional, meditative, cultic events.
We are not trying to explain anything in the meeting, but let the meeting explain itself. When you meditate, do not try to explain the meditation, just meditate, and let the spiritual world illuminate you with its grace. The community will thus continue to grow and develop, rising upwards, offering its living substance to the gods, becoming the chalice for the great spiritual ideal hovering above us, about which we spoke in our last meeting.
So our heartfelt question is: How to find our way to what happens now in the spiritual world? That is the only real anthroposophical question. When we study any text, this is our question. When we meditate any meditation, this is our question. When we experience the memory of the first Goetheanum, this is our question. When we go with it through the fire, this is our question. And the same applies to the Christmas foundation conference. We want to take its dead historical memory into our fiery hearts, we want to contemplate and meditate with sacred enthusiasm and reverence, not to create another dogmatic sepulcher, a new holy relic, a golden anthroposophical calf to dance around. Humanity is doing this for centuries and millennia, and would we not finally want to try to do it differently? We want to find it now in the spiritual world. It should lead us to what took place during the last 3x33 years in the spiritual world, after the death of Rudolf Steiner, through the twilight of humanity and the spiritual event of the 20th century, to the spiritual event of this very moment and of tomorrow. This is our question; this is why we do it.
After the summer, when this event will have become part of our hearts, and we will have overcome all intellectualism about it, we will lift it up as an offer to the supersensible school of Michael, where the current activity of real anthroposophy is taking place. Yes, we studied some of this already in The Spiritual Event of the 20th Century and The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity. But it must be a very different experience when we return to this after we have taken the Christmas foundation conference deeply into our hearts. At least, this is our hope. Naturally, we will have to wait and see, after the summer, how far we have come in this regard.
Then after the summer we will take up again the spiritual event of the 20th century and the knowledge drama of the Second coming, that spiritualize all the knowledge we received about what happened in the last 100 years in the supersensible world. And we will lift it upward to the spiritual world, to receive its forces and inspiration. We will offer to our supersensible teachers and companions the spiritualized essence of the Christmas foundation conference created in our hearts, and listen attentively to their comments, corrections, inspirations. If this process becomes real event, it will connect us with the supersensible activity of the real stream of Michael, here and now. And this is what we want to bring with us to Forum 3 when we celebrate the centenary of the Christmas foundation conference.
So dear friends, take your time in the coming school meetings and in the meditation groups to work through this, and then from the summer we will take it up to the spiritual world and ask: what does the Christmas foundation event and impulse accomplish in the spiritual world since the death of Rudolf Steiner, from 1923-4 until 2023-4, from 1925 until 2025? What was its role and function in the spiritual event of the 20th century, what is it doing right here and now? Because as I told you in our winter meeting in Finland, the spiritual world is waiting since then, waiting for human beings to hear the Michaelic call, understand and act upon it, respond creatively to the call of Michael. And this did not happen yet. Can we make a difference here, even a small one? If we do, this will be very welcomed by our spiritual companions.