Christ’s etheric resurrection out of the grave of humanity in the twentieth century, is the source of the abundant stream of new spiritual revelations, that flows since 2017- 2019 from the School of Michael.
“The Most Momentous Turning-Point in the Evolution of Humanity”
Christ’s etheric resurrection out of the grave of humanity in the twentieth century, is the source of the abundant stream of new spiritual revelations, that flows since 2017- 2019 from the School of Michael.
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement since the Death of Rudolf Steiner
An Esoteric Study
From the Afterword: The Resurrection of the Etheric Christ in the Twenty-first Century
“It is Christ who will lead men to His etheric Shamballa [the Earthly-Human Sun]. A spiritual life must begin, then, at first for a few and in the course of two thousand five hundred years for a greater and greater number of human beings; there will arise the experience of the land of the etheric Earthly-Human Sun, woven of light, shone through with light, teeming with wisdom. Such is the event which for those who have the will to understand, for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, must be described as denoting the most momentous turning-point in the evolution of humanity, through which men’s understanding of the Christ Impulse will be enhanced and intensified... The more insight men achieve, the greater and mightier will Christ appear to them to be!... They will... grow into the realm where He will first be encountered: the mysterious land of the etheric Earthly-Human Sun”.
Rudolf Steiner, lecture of 6 March 1910 (GA 118).
The first ray of etheric resurrection of the Christ from the Twilight of Humanity in the 20th century, was perceived when one stood on the cusp and threshold of the two millennia, during the Christmas days and nights of 1999-2000. Then one could grasp the first glimpse of hope shining through the darkness of the twentieth century; one could see for the first time, on the still far horizon of the twenty-first century, the first earthly-human Sun ray of the dawn of a new spiritual revelation. It was gathering strength with each year and intensified gradually towards the middle of the first decade of the present century, to assume an entirely new etheric form in 2008, 2009 and 2010. By then, the light streaming from His recovery was becoming stronger and clearer and He began to appear and to speak in a new way, pointing towards His new revelation. This was experienced and perceived, to begin with, only in the etheric world through direct etheric intercourse.
But since 2017-2019 it has begun to be active also externally and showed itself as the source of the present new Michaelic revelation. Christ’s etheric resurrection out of the grave of humanity in the twentieth century, is the source of the abundant stream of new spiritual revelations, that flows in 2019 from the School of Michael. It became the substance of these lectures and gave them their title: The Twilight of Humanity [in the twentieth Century] and its Resurrection [in the twenty-first Century]. However, it must also be noted that this pro- cess is in progressive development. A full recovery and a fullest revelation of His new power of resurrection would be possible only after the first full 3x33 cycle since 1933-45 is completed. This will take place in 2033-2045. Yet, in 2017-2019, it began to reveal itself also externally, flowing to the earth from the etheric world closest to our physical world, in which the true School of Michael is active, and this revelation is gathering strength by the day. It is aiming to reach its completeness in the 30s and 40s of the present century, in order to become fully active in the resurrection of humanity and the Earth in the most decisive time around the middle of this century.
This means that if we find the courage needed to activate and open our etheric minds, hearts and will forces today, as shown in our lectures here, we can experience a wholly new Michaelic revelation of the etheric Christ, and with it a wholly new revelation of the real School of Michael. This was not possible from 1933 until 1998 and indeed, in this form, not until 2010-2017. But since then, it is increasing every day, and it becomes a source of the greatest hope for the future of humanity.
Let us face this truth with courage and fiery determination, and know with unswerving self-knowledge, that this new hope depends on the weakest member in the history of the Christ impulse since He started His etheric appearance in 1933: Humanity as a whole, and each one of us. However, we are also infinitely strengthened by the fact that in our etheric hearts, mightily confronting all the feelings of helplessness and despair, caused by the dire situation of humanity in the grave of civilization, appears the presently active etheric revelation of the newly resur- rected Christ. He is the most powerful living protest against the decline of humanity and the Earth. His cosmic-human power of infinite, unconquerable, faith, hope and love, works, creates, heals, and transforms all evil into highest good. He demonstrates this protest, with all the forces of His newly healed and resurrected being. And if we translate into our feeble human words what we can see, hear and experience today through His new resurrected appearance in the etheric world, we would express the message revealed by His being, life and actions, in the following way:
I AM the Sun being living inside the Earth and Humanity. I am alive inside your etheric hearts. I left my glorious cosmic abode in the sun and exchanged it for the Earth to make the Earth into my new Sun. I took on human form to live together with you, my human brothers and sisters, on this Sun becom- ing Earth, to grow with you and fulfil with you our cosmic destination. I have established my heavenly Sun kingdom on this Earth. I AM the body, life, soul, spirit and ‘I’ of the Earth and Humanity; and no power or being exists in the entire universe that can take this Earth from me; there is no power in the Heavens and above the Heavens, on the Earth and below the Earth, that can rob the Earth from me and from you, when you unite with me. The offer of all my love, life and light is constantly streaming into your etheric hearts. Take my offer into your whole being actively, encourage and empower yourself and your fellow humans! Unite with my cosmic deeds of healing and redemption, and join my angelic hosts, to build together the new Earthly-Human Sun!
When we listen today to this call—which is becoming stronger with each day—we feel infinitely empowered and filled with the strongest forces of hope, love and faith. And this call of the resurrected etheric Christ must become in us the living source of the new Michaelic movement in the etheric world and on the earth in the twenty-first century. This message embodies the essence of Christ’s esoteric etheric ‘teaching’, held regularly in the School of Michael since 1933, which is not ‘teaching’ in any conventional human sense, but a living demonstration of His being in living action. This demonstration became the source of the new task of the School of Michael in the etheric world during the apocalyptic events of 1933-45 and this must be accomplished in the new School of Michael on the earth in the first half of this century.
As I showed in my books and also in these lectures, the new etheric revelation of the resurrected Christ is not only a revelation of one single being, sublime as He is; it is even greater than this, because it is a revelation of a new Earth and a new Heaven. It has a profound planetary and cosmic dimension. His sublime etheric being is revealed as the heart centre of an entirely new etheric kingdom. We gave this new etheric kingdom of the etheric Christ an appropriate name and called it the ‘Earthly-Human Sun’. It grows as a new fountain of eternal life inside the rapidly vanishing life stream of the old and dying Earth mother. In the heart of this dying mother Earth, He planted a seed of eternal life and formed the radiant heart centre of His new Sun. This Sun-becoming process of the Earth is also the resurrection of old Mother Earth and her spiritual rebirth. It is taking place in our etheric hearts, in the newly born, etheric sun life of the Earth and Humanity. We can experience this as reality in our whole etheric hearts and bodies. In the light of this experience, we can conclude our lectures with the prophetic words of Rudolf Steiner, that were spoken more than a hundred years ago. Let us do it for the sake of the living continuation of the Michaelic stream from the twentieth to the twenty-first centuries, and of the future becoming of the new being of Anthroposophia:
The time will come when men will again see into the spiritual world and there behold the land whence flow the streams of true spiritual nourishment for everything that happens in the physical world... This land was indeed once accessible to men and will be so again now that Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, is over... Deeply moving are the writings which tell of this ancient land, from where the Initiates ever and again bring the new streams and impulses for everything that is to be imparted to mankind from century to century. Those who are connected with the spiritual world in this way resort again and again to Shamballa [The Earthly-Human Sun]—the name of this mysterious land. It is the deep fount into which clairvoyant vision once reached; it withdrew during Kali Yuga and is spoken of as an ancient fairyland that will come again into the realm of man. The Earthly-Human Sun will be there again when Kali Yuga has run its course. Mankind will rise through normal human faculties into the land of the Earthly-Human Sun... the Earthly-Human Sun is a reality, was a reality, will be a reality again for humanity. And when it reveals itself again, one of the first visions to come to men will be that of Christ in His etheric form... It is Christ who will lead men to His etheric Earthly-Human Sun. A spiritual life must begin, then, at first for a few and in the course of two thousand five hundred years for a greater and greater number of human beings; there will arise the experience of the land of the etheric Earthly-Human Sun, woven of light, shone through with light, teeming with wisdom. Such is the event which for those who have the will to understand, for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, must be described as denoting the most momentous turning-point in the evolution of humanity, through which men’s understanding of the Christ Impulse will be enhanced and intensified... The more insight men achieve, the greater and mightier will Christ appear to them to be! When once their gaze can penetrate into the etheric Earthly-Human Sun... they will... grow into the realm where He will first be encountered: the mysterious land of the etheric Earthly-Human Sun.
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity
The History of the Michaelic Movement since the Death of Rudolf Steiner
An Esoteric Study