Es ist an der Zeit!
World History in the light of the Apocalypse of the Age of Michael
Brief Summary
Es ist an der Zeit!
World History in the light of the Apocalypse of the Age of Michael
Brief Summary of the Nine Lectures delivered in Forum-3, Stuttgart, 24 December 2023- 1 January 2024.
We stand today in the middle of the Apocalypse of the Age of Michael, described in the books, The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity and Es ist an der Zeit!. In the nine Christmas lectures I described the founding impulses of world history, in the past, present and future, from the laying of the foundation stone of the earth, the Mystery of Golgotha and its evolution through world history, the Christmas foundation Conference in 1923-4, the apocalyptic battle of the age of Michael in the 20th century, the resurrection of the etheric Christ, Anthroposophia and the earthly-human Sun, and the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Michaelic Movement in the 21st century in Christmas 2023.
Lecture 1
24. 12. 2023
The Knowledge drama of the Second Coming
The creation of the new spiritual faculties, by means of which the modern Christ experience is investigated and actualized, is accomplished through the knowledge drama of the Second Coming; The resurrected Christ, rising from His sacrifice in the Spiritual Event of the 20th century in 1933-1945, offers man His Ego, symbolized in the two edged sword of his mouth, and the keys of death and evil that He holds in His hands; the knowledge drama of the Second Coming actualizes these three forces, creating the bridge of spiritual memory and continuation of consciousness.
Lecture 2
The Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Earth: Even ha’Shetiya
Jehovah- Elohim created the Foundation Stone of the earth in the middle of the earth, Mt. Moriah, Jerusalem; There Adam was buried, the temple of Salomon was build, and the Mystery of Golgotha took place, and the second Adam, the resurrected Christ, rose from the grave of the first Adam.
Lecture 3
26.12. 2023
The Mystery of Golgotha
The incarnation, death and resurrection of the macrocosmic-microcosmic, divine-human being of Christ-Jesus, Jesus Christ, the double macrocosmic-microcosmic dodecahedron; He is the Foundation Stone of Love and builder of the new Jerusalem from the forces of the new Heaven and Earth, the earthly-human Sun, and its resurrected Temple; ‘Mother Earth dies in Jerusalem. Daughter Earth lives in expectation of another seed’. (Lecture of 13 September 1924, GA 346).
Lecture 4
27. 12. 2023
The closing of the old Mysteries and Beginning of the Christian Mysteries
The burning and closing of the temples of Jerusalem, Ephesus, and Eleusis between Alexander’s Birth (356BC) and Julian’s death (362AD); The foundation of the new Christian mysteries of esoteric Christianity, through John, Paul, and Dionysus Aerophagia; John connected Jerusalem and Ephesus, Paul and Dionysius the Areopagite connected Jerusalem, Ephesus and Eleusis; In the esoteric school of Paul and Dionysus in Athens, the seed of the new Christian mysteries was formed.
Lecture 5
28.12. 2023
The 9th Century
The 8th ecumenic Church council of Constantinople 869 banishes the spirit from the threefold being of man, while the Michaelic angles begin to fall to earth, carrying his cosmic intelligence to earth and implant it in human hands; This is the beginning of M’s apocalypse that will culminate in the 20th and 21st centuries; Parsifal heals the human wound of sexuality and mortality through the power of the individualized, indwelling I AM of Christ, received in the light of the Grail; He was the first human being to fully individualize Christ’s being in spirit, soul and body with the forces of the consciousness soul; Parsifal’s deed allowed the Christ to reunite His Ego and Spirit Self with His cosmic Life Spirit, becoming the living spirit of the whole earth.
Lecture 6
29. 12. 2023
The school of Michael in the Sun Sphere and the Imaginative Cultus in the Etheric world.
Michael’s instruction in the Sun sphere takes place between the first and second Mysteries of Golgotha, as preparation for his new age starting in 1879; The main subjects of his teaching: 1) The past: Overview of the creation of man and earth experienced in the ancient Mysteries, as preparation to the Mystery of Golgotha, and the influences of the Christ impulse on earth until the beginning of the epoch of the consciousness soul in 1413; 2) The present: From the sun sphere, Michael and his hosts perceive and investigate how during the 15th-18th centuries the cosmic intelligence becomes fully human, and Ahriman begins to appropriate it; 3) The future: the imaginative cultus at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries in the etheric world; Preparation of the Foundation Stone of the new Michaelic Mysteries, the second Mystery of Golgotha and the reappearance of Christ in the etheric world in the 20th century; Prophetic imaginative vision of the Apocalypse of the age of Michael in the 20th and 21st centuries; The ultimate goal of the new Mysteries is to prepare some human souls, ‘to feel the Christ and behold Him as the Cosmic Christ in His universal majesty and glory’. (Lecture of 16 September 1924, GA 238).
Lecture 7
30. 12. 2023
The Christmas Foundation Conference
The Christmas Foundation Conference took place in the midst of the escalating Ragnarök of humanity and the Weltenbrand, that begun in WWI, culminated in WWII, and since spread all over the earth; Burning of the Goetheanum, the physical temple of the new Mysteries, and the rejection of the Christmas Foundation Conference impulse; In Easter 1925 Rudolf Steiner takes this impulse and the new born Anthroposophia to the etheric world, in preparation for the apocalyptic event of the 20th century; The Michaelic apocalypse of the 20th century interpreted in the light of Revelation, chapters 12, 13, 14.
Lecture 8
31.12. 2023
The Second Mystery of Golgotha
The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity in the Apocalypse of the age of Michael in the 20th century on earth and in the etheric world.
Rudolf Steiner’s testamentary words, 2 weeks before his last address, indicate the main events of the apocalypse of the age of Michael: ‘To interpret the signs of the times, let us arrange our lives in accordance with these three mysteries of our time: the mystery of Michael, the mystery of Christ, and the mystery of Sorat’. (Lecture of 12 September 1924, GA 346); Supersensible investigation of the 20th century reveals the mighty sign of the times, flaming towards us through the abyss of the 20th century, inscribed with fire letters in the astral light of the earth; we perceive the meaning of the burning Goetheanum in the flaming words of the cosmic script of the apocalypse of the age of Michael; It appears as the fiery signpost placed on the forking path of humanity, that leads on the one hand to the Christmas Foundation Conference and the founding of the new Mysteries, and on the other, to the Ragnarök of humanity, the eruption of the full power of the Weltenbrad, and the fall of humanity into the grave of civilization.
Lecture 9
1.1. 2024
The Centenary of the Christmas Foundation Conference and the laying of the Renewed Foundation Stone
When our self becomes apocalyptic, embodying the indwelling being of the etheric Christ, in his appearance, words and deeds, we experience the present resurrection of the etheric Christ, the human being Anthroposophia, and the new born earthly-human Sun; At the end of the 20th century it was possible to experience the appearance, words and deeds of the triumphant, apocalyptic, Christ, resurrected in spiritualized fire; He offers man his Self and the keys to the riddles of death and evil, on which the knowledge drama of the Second Coming is based; The creation of the bridge of spiritual memory and continuation of consciousness that connected humanity again to the school of Michael in the etheric world; Through the human being Anthroposophia, that offered herself as the chalice of the etheric Christ in the spiritual event of the 20th century, the human soul can receive the being of Christ in spirit, soul and body on earth; The Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Michaelic movement in the 21st century in Christmas 2023.