The Time is At Hand!
From lecture 2: Michaelic Immortality
Stuttgart, 4 November 2017

Building the Global School of Spiritual Science at the Beginning of the Century

The Time is At Hand!

From lecture 2: Michaelic Immortality

Stuttgart, 4 November 2017



... haven’t you become by now an old man of 50? Have you not already consolidated your personality, habits, acquired knowledge and disciplines? And can you undo your development, to return to your fresh and innocent beginning?

After the ordeals at the end of the last century were over

and the turn to the beginning of the new century was com-

plete, I could feel that I had created a stable and secure bridge

to the spiritual world. Now this question became the central

challenge: How would it be possible, from the beginning of

the twenty-first century, to use the faculties and knowledge

gained in individual work, to build a community that would

perform this work together, as the main task of the School

of Spiritual Science? And what you realize, and this realiza-

tion comes about through inner testing and probations, is that

between your inner spiritual life and the people around you,

a seemingly unbridgeable abyss exists. In order to live and

embody this truth together with other human beings, you

must develop much deeper, stronger forces of love and com-

passion toward yourself and your comrades. As was the case

with the spiritual research in the 1980s and 90s, this task also

proved more difficult than imagined.

When I observed the small band of people who had read

my books and asked me to support their spiritual path and

community building, I realized that beside the fact that many

required faculties were missing, many obstacles were also

present in the form of deeply ingrained and mistaken hab-

its, norms and practices, which people brought from their

former anthroposophical life and work. I said to myself that

this situation required a somewhat radical approach. If we

are truly ‘to become like little children again to enter the king-

dom of spiritual science’, we must develop entirely new fac-

ulties and overcome deeply entrenched habits. Without this,

it is absolutely unthinkable that we would be in a position

as a community, to become competent in handling the art of

the bridge-building, which must connect in this century the

physical and spiritual worlds, the Michaelic school on earth

and the school of Michael in the etheric world.

But before you can do this with others, you must do it again

from the beginning, in yourself! I described some aspects of

the transformation of my spiritual research in the second

decade of the twenty-first century in the article, ‘My Way to

Cognitive Yoga’, published in Watkins’ Mind Body Spirit mag-

azine. To build the community of the School of Spiritual

Science you must do it as a human being among humans

and live this truth together with your peers. It cannot be

‘taught’; it is not a matter of transmitting acquired spiritual

knowledge, it is about becoming this teaching, growing and

maturing together in a community with human beings in the

present time. But this cannot be simply decided upon and

accomplished in one resolution. You must become human in a

far deeper sense than you previously thought is required and

possible. But haven’t you become by now an old man of 50?

Have you not already consolidated your personality, habits,

acquired knowledge and disciplines? And can you undo your

development, to return to your fresh and innocent beginning?

To begin with, I had to intentionally recreate the origi-

nal stage of consciousness from the beginning of my spir-

itual life. I was really striving to become in this respect ‘a

little child again’. What was described in my book Cognitive

Yoga came about through this process.

 I said to myself: Let me go back in time and place myself again in Easter 1976,

reading The Philosophy of Freedom for the first time. In Easter

1976, this first reading led me to experience how it resonated

with the experience of the etheric Christ that I had under-

gone exactly a year before, in Easter 1975. As I described it

in The Three Meetings, my task in the coming decades was to

bring together the results of The Philosophy of Freedom and

the modern Christ experience, to create the fully conscious

faculties of Imaginative cognition on which the Michaelic

bridge is based. Now, 30 years later, I wanted to start the

work with The Philosophy of Freedom from the very first steps

of ordinary daily consciousness, from ordinary thinking and

sense-perception, and transform it step by step into Imagi-

native cognition without any support from the given super-

sensible faculties. I suppressed all the given and acquired

Imaginative faculties that I developed in the last 30 years,

to perceive the sense perceptible physical world and think

about it as ordinary people do. I wanted to make this process

accessible to my pupils and comrades, and to demonstrate

and minutely describe the path that leads from ordinary

consciousness to the first level of supersensible conscious-

ness. Because the formation of Imaginative consciousness is

grounded in the etheric body, I described its formation from

the spiritualization of the basic soul forces as organically as

possible, allowing the reader to participate in the whole pro-

cess with her and his ordinary thinking.

To understand this process in a deeper way, another per-

spective can be added. When my first two books were pub-

lished in 1993 and 1995, I was aware that in the first half of my

life I was supported by the forces streaming from the meeting

with the etheric Christ in Easter 1975 as well as the Imagi-

native faculties that it awakened in my soul. I was granted

the supersensible Christ experience and the Imaginative

faculties that perceived it, before I met anthroposophy, and

I used these forces to spiritualize the given contents and

forms of physical anthroposophy and applied its spiritual-

ized forces to my spiritual scientific research, as described in

The Three Meetings. But now, in my 50s, I felt a real passion to

reverse this process. Of course, I was working with my free

human forces all along; after all, The Philosophy of Freedom was

my first foundation. Nevertheless, the given Imaginative fac-

ulties were naturally active as well, and the outcome of the

synthesis between the given supersensible faculties and the

spiritual scientific work, constituted the content and form

of my work in the first part of my life and my first books.

This was necessary, and the work was fruitful, and had to be

undertaken in this way. But towards the end of the 90s, when

the forces of my consciousness soul were fully developed,

and then after the turn of the millennium, when the forces of

the spirit self were developing, I couldn’t rest content with

this accomplished work.

Also recall that what we bring with us from previous incar-

nations to the present life as given supersensible faculties as

well as ordinary talents, belong to the domain of Lucifer. Luci-

fer controls all spiritual achievements from the past, as long

as they are not transformed in the present. What we bring

from the past and use in the first part of life, must be wholly

transformed in the second part of life, to become achieve-

ments of the present life which means also of the epoch of the

consciousness soul in which the present Christ impulse takes

place. Otherwise, as so often occurs, in the second half of life

Ahriman harvests the fruits of Lucifer’s influence from the

first half and uses them to further his goals. This is the fate

of many creative people, who stop developing at the end of

their 20s. But if you overcome Lucifer’s heritage in the first

half of life, you can also confront Ahriman in the second half

of life. I was fully conscious of this during the end of the last

century and the beginning of the present century. But I still

had to struggle to find the way to make the transition and

transformation from the first to the second halves of my life,

and what I described above was the solution to this challenge.

I wanted to enter the etheric world and recapitulate the orig-

inal meeting with the etheric Christ, which was experienced

as a given grace, and attain it as a result of my free spiritual

scientific activity. And then I wanted to find the way to make

it available to the faculties of those human souls who wished

to join the School of Spiritual Science.


The Time Is at Hand!: Ahrimanic and Michaelic Immortality and the Apocalypse of the Age of Michael