Humans are the true extraterrestrials and you can perceive in their eyes at any moment the divine light and hear through their words the voice of the eternal spirit.

Humans are the True Extraterrestrials 

Extract from a Lecture in the Global School of Spiritual Science

14.12. 2024


 This is what makes our experiential, empirical social experiment so very exciting. As I pointed out in our previous meetings, if we embody the renewed foundation stone in all the forces of our heart and soul, we will go to the next human meeting in a wholly new way, and make real- in the actual encounter, not in our head, but in our whole being-  its real, actual, substance: ‘Not I but your I in me’. When this becomes real soul and life habit, eventually also a spiritualized instinct in my body, I will experience it in my daily life as I experience my physical breathing. I will breath in and out the fact that there are so many incarnated human gods all around me, with whom I interact all the time, so many divine humans, everywhere I turn! If you merely think about it abstractly, in your dead head-bound intellect, this is just another ‘beautiful idea’, that you place respectfully in your beloved collection of great anthroposophical ideas. But it becomes a soul habit that you embody as your breath, it becomes powerful new life force that transforms your entire existence in daily life. There are so many real incarnated divine spirits out there, and we are used to call,  in our dreadfully abstract, philistine cliché, ‘human beings’, but in each concrete individual encounter, each one can be experienced as a divine soul, incarnated cosmic riddle, wonder and source of infinite creative potentials.

  I actually met some of these incarnated extraterrestrial divine beings today in my neighborhood, walking around seemingly encased in their ordinary, philistine, flesh and blood frames, trotting on the earth, right here and now. And I was greatly comforted by the fact that in each moment I choose, I can just look at any one of them, I don’t have to bother them too much because few words of heartfelt contact, simple ‘how do you do’- if you really mean it of course- will go a long way; then I can experience each one of them as portal to the highest spiritual worlds, but- and this is the most fundamental discovery that you can make since Christmas- these highest spiritual worlds are incarnated right here on earth walking around in my neighborhood, in the yard, between the oak-trees, where everything is now greening up in Israel after the first rains; and I am not going to grumble at all about the too many cats and everything else that is also going on around, because I focus my attention on the extraordinary fact that among them there are some real flesh and blood framed and encased human gods, and you could actually contact each incarnated divine being on the earth, any moment you wish to do so; you don’t have to look up to the drones for extraterrestrials and expect Aliens to descend in UFOs from the New Jersey sky, or in any other place, because if you search for cosmic and human mysteries to awaken your consciousness and fire your enthusiasm, well, here they are right there in front of you! Humans are the true extraterrestrials incarnated nowadays in great abundance everywhere, real concrete cosmic riddles, and you can encounter them at any moment and perceive in their eyes- as Doctor says- the divine light shining through, and hear through their words the voice of the spirit.

 But kindly don’t stare forcefully into the eyes of people, and frighten them, because today you can be taken to court if you do this! You can glance gently and imperceptibly from the corner of your eyes and say few warm words from your heart, but you must really mean what you say, otherwise the effect will be the very opposite of what you intend.  

  Thus you experience gently what lives in the hearts and souls of people. These are simple faculties each person can develop.  We can also train ourselves to do the same with cats and birds, oak-trees and green grass, and perceive the divine-spiritual life of nature. But the spiritual beings of minerals, plants and animals (not their life and soul forces) are living in the higher worlds, not incarnated physically as human do. You have to work harder to perceive them. But through eyes and words and movements of the next human god you encounter right here and now, the divine sparkles directly at you, without any cover, naked and free, its gives itself to you right there.

  Now tell me: How can I complain that I cannot find the spirit, how can I feel miserable and depressed, how can I feel hopeless, if I can just go out to the yard or street or shopping mall and actually see and hear, with the eyes and ears of my heart, and experience, with my whole soul, some of those remarkable truly extraterrestrial spiritual beings whenever I go. Contemplate again Rudolf Steiner words about what the angels are trying to do when we are asleep, to give us this impulse, to awaken us from our ominous social sleep, that when we meet each other we shall have a very specific, absolutely concrete, spiritual revelation. The Doctor said that if humans will bring this spiritual night impulse into their wakeful, daily consciousness- and this is the reason why he speaks about it, after all- there will be no need of any religious pressure any more, because the human meeting will become religious sacrament. The reversed cultus will happen spontaneously, when people meet in this way, when I experience that the other human being is an embodied divine secret that wishes to disclose itself to me,  and tell me, what spiritual being he/she really is. What a tremendous mystery, a riddle and all-inspiring possibility, if you actually practice. Then you can just talk with people about this or that, doesn’t really matter, because each word you say, will carry this reverential soul mood, sense of wonder and deep feeling of gratitude, and people usually respond, even Israelis do, and before you know, you can experience how this intimate spiritual riddle opens up, through very few words, few sentences, through which this divine light is gentle kindled.

 Well, you can still object that this secret is first revealed in a ‘general’ way. Nevertheless, this generality is very concrete. If this is not in theory, not an idea, but if the other is experienced as a real divine being, this tells me a lot about the concrete individuality of the other. Very concrete soul- spiritual content is experienced speaking about the real spiritual individuality of the other. She is a divine being! Of course, if for you this is but a mere abstract idea, a concept, that you studied somewhere, then for you this divine being is not concrete reality. But they say that God is the most concrete thing, all the ancient traditions said this. And therefore,  if you believe in God and God is concrete reality for you, you will find and experience him everywhere, and this God will be revealed to you as the most real, concrete, substantial reality of the being of the other person. And if you find the way to God through the indwelling being of the Christ, embodied in the renewed foundation stone, and embody it in your heart, and if not your I but the I of the other person truly lives in you, and you experience the other person in your soul, then this God becomes very concrete reality; it’s not a general abstract concept, the other is experienced as an individualized, embodied, spiritual reality. And this gives you tremendous impulse and vigor of hope, healing yourself and the other people, and you go out differently in this difficult time, you begin to radiate more comfort, more hope, compassion and healing to other people and the earth.

 This experience is a moment of profound cosmic evidence, becoming ‘situation and event’ right there in the midst of the busiest mundane daily hustle and bustle. When this light is kindled it gives you well tested, empirical, certainty, that you actually meet the divine- spiritual being of the other.

  Therefore, you feel that you desire to prepare yourself to meet the other, because otherwise you will not perceive his true being. I have to warm and open my heart when I approach the other person, and do it with more devotion today then yesterday, with more compassion, joy and holy Michaelic enthusiasm, increasing daily my sense of infinite wonder. When you contemplate a beautiful landscape or work of art and you feel the wonder of the sublime, you know, what Goethe said so well: here is necessity, here is God! Now do what it takes to awaken in each human meeting this wonder of the sublime. You have to prepare your soul, warm and open up your heart, mind and good will, creating the sacred place in which this revelation can happen, where the secret will be communicated. And when you are prepared it will always be revealed.

  This experience is the most concrete and substantial spiritual experience that each person can have today in each moment, on the physical earth, not in the higher worlds, the revelation of the physically incarnated divine riddle, revealed right here and now through the next person I meet. It awakens the greatest hope and joy and love in our hearts, because God become so immediate, closer to us then our own self, when he appears, speaks and acts through the other person. God becomes our best friend on the path of life, the foundation stone of the new Michaelic movement, school and community in the 21st century.   

  If we intensify and deepen this feeling and Stimmung, passion and enthusiasm in our hearts and celebrate Christmas 2024 in this sacred, serious, festive way, fired by the renewed foundation stone laid in Christmas 2023, we shall say to ourselves: oh, already a year has passed since we laid the foundation stone of the Michaelic movement in this century. This Christ impulse has been working in our hearts for a whole year, and the result is experienced as a totally new impulse, that truly ‘makes everything new’, in everything we experience and do, and above all in our meetings with our school sisters and brothers and all humans. A whole year has passed and if we achieved in one year what we have already accomplished, then we can have some humble hopes for greater things to come in the coming year. As we do at the end of each day and year: We thank the gods for what we could accomplish today and in the recent year, and we pray that tomorrow and in 2025 we shall do even greater things!