‘When it is evening you say, “It will be fair weather, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.” Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times’. (Matthew 16:2-3).

Reading the Signs of the Michaelic Times

Rrom a lecture in the Global School of Spiritual Science

28 December 2024

 ‘When it is evening you say, “It will be fair weather, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.” Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times’. (Matthew 16:2-3).

The reciprocal process between earth and heaven is greatly intensified with each year and decade. We live in decisive times, about which we spoke often. I believe that recently it came to your attention, perhaps only marginally, that something is going on in the world. Naturally, it takes some trouble to plague yourself with messy social media, where people are posting that is not reported in the mainstream. What you experience if you do it, is that with each year and decade more cages of the human and non-human zoo are being broken loose. This is going on for a long time now, and it goes through ebbs and flows according to certain rhythms that we discussed. Recently, once more, more guardians of the zoo have left their posts and allowed more beings to flee their cages and run wild all around us. It's both highly interesting as well as very disconcerting to see this. It happens on all levels at once, the supersensible and subsensible Ahrimanic and Luciferic beings are all a rage right now.

 The central stage of these events is North America because as you know in this continent the electromagnetic forces are much stronger, and the etheric and astral elemental processes and beings are crossing the increasingly blurred threshold and appear more condensed and perceptible then in Europe. When people in America look at the sky in recent weeks, they are flooded by mysterious unidentified aerial phenomena. What appeared in the sky of New Jersey was perceived all over America and around the world. You must investigate this carefully to sift the messy muddle of true and false information, where millions of people’s exhibit their desires and vanities, hallucinations and delusions. However, if you scrutinise this mess, you realize that something is really happening and in America. If you investigate its spiritual nature, you find out that these apparitions are constantly condensing themselves all over the world, and the powerful electromagnetic forces of North America make it more and more visible. But what is the deeper spiritual cause of this events? Can our spiritual research shed some light on this?

 The first thing that must be considered is that because of the natural evolution of humanity many more people are becoming clairvoyant. This happens and will continue to happen through the entire fifth cultural epoch, and before the 6th epoch begins all people will have become naturally clairvoyant. Now, because for generations humanity is brainwashed and indoctrinated powerfully with materialistic concepts and images, when people experience some suprasensible inklings, they are totally disoriented and confused, mixing up and down supersensible, sensible and subsensible processes and beings, because they have no clue what they experience. It’s a rapidly expanding and extremely uncanny, confusing and confused malfunctioning zoo, as I told you. This and much more is part of our time, and if we don’t want to become hermits and close ourselves in our tiny mind cells, we have to be aware of that.

 Second, what becomes more visible now started at the beginning of the activity of Michael in the etheric world in 1879. To start his activity Michael had to clear the astral and etheric worlds close to the earth, to give himself free space to work and open the path to earth to the souls connected to his school. To accomplish this, Michael had to conquer the opposing Ahrimanic angels and cast them down to earth to live with us. They became ‘terrestrial angels’, fallen angels, as Rudolf Steiner called them. Since the end of the 19th century, they provide inspiration for all materialistic thinking and doing and direct all the mischief done by the lower Ahrimanic beings in the elemental kingdoms. Michael’s spiritual victory was recapitulated on earth in the human victory of Rudolf Steiner, bringing modern spiritual science to humanity, that all people would be able to consciously recognize and overcome the Ahrimanic angels. This is the first thing we must bear in mind. There is another and highly positive side connected to the age of Michael which is especially important nowadays and is very little understood. Rudolf Steiner pointed out that when Michael hurled the conquered Ahrimanic angels to earth, good spiritual beings began to descend to earth to support human evolution, prepare for the 6th cultural epoch and the return of the moon. They descend from our close planetary neighbourhood, becoming our extraterrestrial partners on earth. Both groups of spiritual beings started to intervene in our evolution since the end of the 19th century, 146 years ago, and the positive and negative developments of humanity in this time reflect how humanity responds to their influences.

 It must be realized that these beings, the good and bad, are present right here and now among us, with us, inside us. Try to make this as real to yourselves and you can. Imagine that they are around you as the people incarnated in physical bodies, moving and acting through etheric bodies. They are most intimately connected to us, and are involved in everything with think, feel and do. They stand behind all the elemental commotions that are so in vogue now.

 Why people sense them now more than before? We mentioned above that this happens first because of the naturally developing supersensibe faculties. But to this you should add the rapidly accelerating improvements of technology. Both human and machine perception is constantly and rapidly transformed, becoming extremely refined, and grasps the subtle energy fields, forces and beings, that were largely non-perceptible, but are very much part of the physical world. This is the transformation that occurs since the age of Michael commenced, the 3 worlds intermingle increasingly intensive ways, and this will intensification continues and will continue in all future times. The supersensible, sensible and subsensible, what Rudolf Steiner called ‘sub -nature’ in his very last essay, From Nature to Sub-nature, that he wrote in March 2025, few weeks before his death. Significantly, this was his last testamentary impulse, and it is no coincidence that the closer we get to centenary of this last impulse, things appear with such remarkable force, according to the 3x33 resurrection rhythm explicated in The Time Is at Hand!

  The three domains in man and in the world indeed become increasingly mixed up- and down in man and in the world at the same time, because this is the same process. In man, as we know, the etheric heart is released also from the physical heart, and the etheric world of the earth is doing the same. This causes the supersensible, etheric and elemental beings and forces to become more visible to human etherized perception, and the same happens also with the elemental sub-sensible, sub-natural beings and forces, and both are captured everywhere on cameras and tapes. Of course, as you expect, the sub-sensible forces and Ahrimanic beings gain the most publicity and are trending all over the place, flooding the media, because human and machine perception and intelligence is tuned to them far more then to the subtle supersensible beings. To understand what is happening around us, we must understand this process. What was purely invisible super- and sub-sensible becomes densified while human and technological perception becomes more attenuated and refined. The closest higher and lower etheric worlds mix and intermingle in all sorts of ways, and this takes place in human perception also, because the human etheric body is increasingly separated from the physical body, and unless people have strong and clear spiritual consciousness, they will naturally perceive more the sub-sensible apparitions and will be more susceptible to Ahrimanic influences.

 What is taking place for more than a century becomes more visible with each day, because of the changes in human constitution, perception and technology. Just consider that milliards of people all around the earth are filming day and night, with of smartphones and CCT camaras, whose refinement accelerates rapidly- to mention only what ordinary people do. Just think that this happens on a scale billions times more powerful, in quantity and quality, in the extremely accelerating developments of surveillance technologies, operated by the gigantic Ahrimanic and Luciferic masters of this world. And at the same time, parallel with it, the etheric bodies are loosened, and human perception undergoes refinement and etherization as well, and people simply perceive, through their physical senses, which are subtly transformed senses, subtle beings and processes that short time ago where largely invisible. And this applies, unfortunately more to the lower revelations of this process then the higher.

 I remind you that I described the deeper esoteric realities of our time in my book, The Time is at Hand!Because the Michaelic beings, and with them also the extraterrestrials companions that descend to earth, mentioned above, greatly increase their activity in recent years- we experienced this since 2017- it is answered powerfully from the Ahrimanic-Luciferic side. We witness nowadays an immense, globally coordinated, earth encompassing, planetary operation, based in the US, to divert huma attention away from the highly significant spiritual events that are happening. As we often pointed out, these important spiritual events are the continuation of the three major impulses of the present age: the new age of light that started at the end of Kali Yoga in 1899, the age of Michael in 1879, and the etheric second coming in 1933. The fallen Ahrimanic angles, and the masters of this world that they inspire and command, consider this coverup and disruption to be their most important task, and as we know, since the last century their success is almost complete.

  Naturally, the positive spiritual events that are happening, are far less physically visible, and therefore, it is easily masked and caricatured by the flooding of human consciousness with the flooding of the atmosphere with various apparitions, for example, the so-called recent drone sights and UFOs, paranormal spectres and psychic visions and hallucinations. As we speak, in these very moments, the floodgates are thrown wide open, and more guardians of the zoo are departing, letting more animals ramble around to hunt humans. This happens intensively since the ingenious Ahrimanic Corona scare and it takes many forms in 2022, 2023 and 2024. To this gigantic Ahrimanic endeavour, which will intensify through 2025 and in the near future, to reverse and caricature the important spiritual events of this time, I referred when I said that parallel with the laying of the renewed foundation stone, something took place in the spiritual world. Its negative caricatures we see everywhere, intensifying in recent months and weeks, diverting people’s attention away from what really matters. This is not new, but the scale is becoming planetary and cosmic. What we say tonight is intended in this sense, to awaken and sharpen our consciousness and awareness, thinking and perception, to comprehend the real causes of what is going on all around us.

 Please do look up to what the sky are wishing to reveal to us now, and do it not only with your physical eyes, but especially with the eyes of your soul, mind and heart, and you will certainly feel and sense what I am taking about, because the true extraterrestrials companions of Michael have indeed greatly intensified their descend to earth,  and they live among us now more than ever, and they implore us to communicate with them, because they require our active cooperation to help us.

 Since the end of the seventies of last century, other Beings—not of the human order—have been descending to the earth for the purposes of their further development. From cosmic realms beyond the earth they come down to the earth and enter into a definite relationship with human beings. Since the eighties of the nineteenth century, super-earthly Beings have been seeking to enter the sphere of earth-existence.. Catastrophe after catastrophe must ensue, and earthly life will fall at length into social chaos, if opposition is maintained in human existence to the advent of these Beings.

 (Lecture of 13 May 1921, GA 204).


 Now this was said in May 1921. The Doctor communicated spiritual knowledge in specific times, chosen because of specific occult reasons. And believe it or not, the anniversary of this communication was experienced also as a specially timed event.  The consequences of this process could be perceived and experienced since 2021 and after Christmas 2023 very distinctly. And it will continue in the coming years as well. We must be awake to perceive this, that in certain moments, under certain constellations, this impulse is becoming more visible and auditable because it seeks an entry point to physical realization.

 If you believe that there is a real world out there and if you want to explore this world, you need a strong sense of objectivity, clarity, openness and positivity. Precisely here the 4th and 5th exercises of the six subsidiary exercises are absolutely necessary. We must be open minded, not to accept what we like and rejects what we don’t like offhand because of previous judgments. We must dig deep to see the positive and creative in everything that happens. What is happening in the world demands that we go out of our intellectual and emotional comfort zone and delve positively into what are often rather messy phenomena, to explore what’s behind it. We must become open minded and seek the positive in all things, to experience and explore the world in an objective way to perceive what is happening there.