According to Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science, the greatest spiritual event of our time is the renewal and reawakening of our human spiritual relationship to the higher spiritual worlds. Because of new, naturally endowed supersensible faculties, human beings are increasingly able to experience and perceive the great force of the new Christ impulse. This experience is said to be a naturally given initiation, and today we increasingly hear of such experiences. Today, however, a healthy approach to these “natural” phenomena requires us to comprehend spiritual experiences with full awareness and clear thinking.
This book builds an all-important bridge between the naturally given supersensible experience and its conscious cognition. Thus, empirical spiritual scientific research “can investigate the different aspects of the new etheric becoming and appearance of the Christ in a way that, both methodically and experientially, fulfils the justified cognitive and scientific requirements of our age.”
This new paperback edition features a new introductory biographical chapter.
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