The Hebrew people were chosen to reveal to humanity the deepest secret of ancient time, that was known until then only to the greatest teachers of humanity: the existence of one God above all gods, the creator of all human beings, beyond race, nation, and gender, in his divine image. The Fathers and Mothers of the Hebrew people, Joseph, Moses, Judges, Kings and Prophets, prepared humanity to the individuation of the true "I" , through devotion to "the lord our God is one" , whom they learned to love "with all their hearts, souls and being" and to experience his being and fulfill his Word, which the can actualize on earth, because it is “not far in the heavens, not across the sea, but very near, in their hearts and mouths"
In this original book, Dr. Ben-Aharon described the evolution of the Hebrew people and its contribution to the spiritual biography of humanity, through a remarkable interpretation of the Initiations of Isaac, Moses and King David, by means of which the human "I" was prepared to become a free co-creator in the ongoing creation of the universe.